首页>学位论文>  村落神祇的形成与庆典制度化:五华县安流镇神祇庆典的田野调查


作者:沈丽华 日期:2001.01.01 点击数:21

【作者】 沈丽华

【关键词】 神祇庆典 家庭 祭祀圈 认同 分化








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【外文摘要】  The studies on folk-religion culture are a heated issue that many humanists had paid attention to. The thesis takes the celebration of village gods as investigative object that is an important segment of folk-religion. At present, in Chinese rural areas, the systematization of folk celebration stands out increasingly. In order to promote the construction of spiritual civilization of the villages, it is worth probing into the causes of its formation and forms. As a campestral inverstigation thesis of Hakka village folk-belief, I attach much importance to discussing the relation and development between the celebration and clan, there are several points as follow: Ⅰ.Folk-tale is a sysmbolistic resource for clan. Ⅱ. Vary-level scared cicles are linked with the vary situations of clan. Ⅲ. The folk celebration is a mechanism to harmonize the multia-power in clan. Ⅳ. Folk-religion offers a visional frame for villager to recognize the world and solve the crisises in life....

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