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作者:吴川铃 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】The analysis of Taiwan s Hakka Folk Songs

【作者】 吴川铃

【关键词】 Hakka folk songs “Hakka Tea picking opera” “Group performance of trick”. 撮把戏 三脚采茶戏 客家山歌







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【摘要】會,高興之際唱山歌、吃粢粑,最能回憶家鄉過往的情景。 一首山歌七言、四句、八節,二十八個字,每一首小節中有四字和三字的詞彙,前後要對稱、語意要貫通,也要注意押韻,無押韻就不成山歌。虛字和襯字的增添,連音、轉音、拉音、拖音的運用恰當,能使山歌更加婉轉動聽。尤其是加上虛字、襯字後,更能變為道地鄉音濃厚的客家山歌,這些深具高度藝術化的山歌,令人拍案叫絕,致使客家山歌能歷久而不衰。 本篇論文以《台灣客家山歌的運用分析》為研究主題,共分為六章:第一章「緒論」,陳述研究動機與目的、預期目標、研究內容與方法、研究範圍與限制。第二章「文獻回顧」,內容包括客家源流、客家移徙台灣經過、台灣客家人與客家語言使用情況、客家山歌等相關文獻之探討。第三章「臺灣客家山歌的形成與發展」,主要在探討台灣客家山歌的形成、特色與發展。第四章「台灣客家山歌的運用」,包含歌曲詞有如商品比較分析、及客家山歌詞的搭配、運用等。台灣客家山歌包羅萬象的內容,生活化的題材,以及形式多元、詞彙豐富等特色,亦是本章探討之重點。第五章「台灣客家山歌運用的呈現」,分別介紹台灣客家傳統山歌者徐阿彩敘述滿山趖;賴碧霞喜愛山歌的過程;廖忠華經由藝人吹出的嗩吶聲,憑著數十年前的山歌調記憶,無師自通譜出了數首高樹山歌詞曲;徐木珍的傳統即興山歌演唱,猶如山歌后劉三妹山歌隨口出。客家山歌不只獨唱和對唱,林佩君、胡泉雄編出山歌分部合唱,呈現山歌另一種風味;客家山歌的運用千變萬化,陳雙雄將山歌詞譜上曲調,變成一首一首動聽的創作歌謠;昔時的客家生活唱山歌、看三腳採茶和看撮把戲,是最佳的娛樂消遣,客家藝人葉香蘭、曾德銀表演經歷精采無比;客家山歌搭配簡單的傳統樂器,讓人回味無窮,謝其國教學客家樂器費心盡力;製作四十餘年客家文化節目影視傳播的徐雲芳,對客家山歌有著深厚的期許。第六章「結論」,總結本篇論文的研究內容與重點。客家文化的傳揚包括語言、山歌等,不能只靠有興趣者播種,身為客家的每一份子,均有義務挑起傳揚的責任。...

【外文摘要】Since the ancient times in Taiwanese history, the migration of the Hakka ancestors was usually along the natural environment that had a close relationship with the mountain, which also provided lots of chances for them to study the climate changes. Therefore, since that time they understand the climate and cultivation of tea and crops, etc. and thus developed a thrift-working spirit.As the Hakka ancestors live in the mountain, they often sing Hakka folk songs in order to reduce the tediousness and fatigue which come from works, and the Hakka folk songs become an important spiritual food for them. Watching the Hakka tea-picking opera and Group performance of trick are the best entertainment for the ordinary people in Hakka country life. Moving house is very ordinary after the marriage of Hakka couple. Whenever there is a party, people will celebrate with each other by eating millet cake and singing folk songs, this is the best way to recall their life scene of their hometown in the past.A folk song contains 7 words, 4 sentences and 8 sections that there are 28 words in each section. Moreover, each sentence in the section is formatted with phrases by four and three words separately. Each sentence should be symmetric, meaningful to link up and rhythmic, otherwise, it cannot become a Hakka folk song. Words inserted outside melodic form prescribed in a poem, lots of ingenious skills on sound, including linking, turning, pulling and dragging of sound, can produce a sweet and agreeable Hakka folk song. Especially the words inserted outside melodic form prescribed in a poem can help in forming a genuine folk song with Hakka s accent. These kinds of tremendous and highly artistic elements in the folk songs are admired by lots of people, and thus Hakka folk songs can be survival until now.This article introduces The analysis of Taiwan s Hakka Folk Songs as the research topic, and divided into six chapters:The first chapter, Introduction introduces the research by lots of categories that includes the motivation, purpose, expectations, content and methods adopted, research scope and limitations.The second chapter, Literature review describes the origins of Hakka, migration of Hakka through Taiwan, usage of Hakka language of Taiwan Hakka, Hakka folk songs and other literature s studying.The third chapter, The formation and development of Taiwan Hakka folk songs investigates and discusses mainly on the formation, features and development of Taiwan Hakka folk songs.The fourth chapter, The application of Taiwan Hakka folk songs contains a comparative analysis, collocation and application of lyrics like commodities. The comprehensive content of Taiwan Hakka folk song, ordinary life s topic, rich variations and features of vocabularies are also the focuses of this chapter.The fifth chapter, The presentation of Taiwan Hakka folk songs introduces a lot of traditional performers of Taiwan Hakka folk songs which the following people are the examples.1. Taiwan Hakka folk song that is introduced by Xu A Cai who is a Taiwan s Hakka tradition folk song.2. The process of how Lai Bi Xia takes a fancy on Hakka folk song.3. Tradition and impromptu of Hakka folk song s performance of Xu Mu Zhen, just like the singing queen of Hakka folk song, Liu San Mei.4. Hakka folk songs are not only limited to solo and duet, Lin Pei Jun and Hu Quan Xiong compiled a Hakka folk choir which presents a different way of Hakka folk songs.5. There are lots of variations of Hakka folk songs. Chen Shuang Xiong tunes the melody on the Hakka folk song s book and produces lots of beautiful creations.6. Experience shared by Hakka artists Ye Xiang Lan and Ceng De Yin who have performed the Hakka tea-picking opera and Group performance of trick extremely well and exciting.7. Hakka folk songs can be performed with simple traditional musical instruments which are memorable, Xie Qi Guo s pay lots of effort on teaching of musical instruments.8. Xu Yun Fang, who produced film and television podcasting on Hakka cultural programs for more than forty years, has a very deep expectation on Hakka culture.The sixth chapter, Conclusion summarizes the content and focus of the research. As a member of Hakka, we should have an obligation and responsibility to spread the Hakka culture, including the language and folk songs, etc....

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