首页>学位论文>  屏东客家地区高龄者学习动机与学习满意度之研究-以内埔长青学


作者:简嘉莹 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:9

【外文题名】A Study on Motivation and Satisfaction for Leaning of the Elders-- Neipu Elder College Exemplified

【作者】 简嘉莹

【关键词】 客家 高龄者 学习动机 学习满意度

【外文关键词】 Hakka the Elders Learning Motivation Lear







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【外文摘要】In recent years, Taiwanese aging population increases largely, human lifespan is elongated . So, it is very important to explore issues about the lives for the elder to help us understand the evolution of Taiwanese aging population. Our investigation focuses on the Taiwanese Hakka population which amounts to 5th place of Taiwanese population in totality together with unique language system and exceptional culture itself. Our goal study is to elucidate the motivation and satisfaction for learning of the Hakka elders in Neipu Elder College.Firstly, we review all literatures related to the study. It includes that learning profiles, learning characteristics and learning motivation and learning satisfaction of the Hakka elders in Ping-Tung. Then. we construct an entire framework for the article, and choose elder learners who study in Neipu Elder College , and make up a series of surveys towards learning attitude of those attending lectures offered by Elder College . Lastly, we exploit logically statistical approaches containing One Sample test, Independent-t test, One-Way ANOVA, Tukey HSD and Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient to analyze our data collected.Our findings within this study reveal that the elder learners express a high trend on the degree of satisfaction of courses and spaces both offered by Neipu Elder College. We found that their learning attitude are positively and actively. They due to the differences between ages and educational backgrounds of these elders, most of them hope government offer more opportunities suitable for them. Nevertheless, the discrimination of their learning attitudes is divided into three parts, personal learning approaches, patterns, and personal psychological acceptance.According to the results of the research, we are capable of shaping two hints. First, if the Elder College could provide lots of attractive, function-oriented activities, and curricula. Second, the elders benefit greatly through adequately financial aids from all kinds of public and private sectors....

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