首页>学位论文>  客家文化意象的想像与建构:以胜兴国际桐花村为例


作者:林锡霞 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】Construction and Consumption of Hakka Cultural Image: A Case Study in Shenghsing International Tung Flower Village

【作者】 林锡霞

【关键词】 客家 文化意象 胜兴 桐花祭

【外文关键词】 Hakka Cultural Image Shenghsing Tung Blossom







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【外文摘要】In order to recover the dignity of Hakka Identity and ethnicity, the Council for Hakka Affairs since its inception in 2001 is to "promote Hakka culture and modernization" as the main policy, they promote the "Hakka Tung Blossom Festival" and the surrounding Tung Blossom goods, but also become a new Hakka culture images. Although the Hakka culture through "Tung Blossom" symbol smoothly into the consumer market, and try to create a new ethnic imagination, but this deviation from the consumption of Hakka cultural image of life is the stable foundation or not? When Tung Blossom unpopular or the rise of a new culture, Hakka culture is also followed dying? In this study, starting from the Tung Blossom Festival, an attempt to clarify the modern Hakka culture through the imagination and construction process, to explore the development direction of modern Hakka culture and controversy: Is cultural commercialization strategy is feasible, or are there other strategies?In this issue, the Miaoli Shenghsing "International Tung Blossom Village" is the theme of the creation of Hakka images culture and the transformation process, provide a sociological field observations and analysis. Select this region is due to the Shenghsing often become the main place of "Hakka Tung Blossom Festival" ,and has the index position of the modernization process of Hakka culture. Shenghsing, as a self-restructuring region, in order to analyze the impact of globalization on Hakka culture, it has important significance in theory or policy, the major part is: Shenghsing is a small old mountain line railway station originally, but later evolved into an international Tung Blossom Village, how to link the images between the old mountain railway nostalgic image and the modern "international Tung Blossom Village"? In fact, through Shenghsing Railway gradually evolved from the nostalgia of Hakka cultural landmark transition can be found filled with media, government, local industry groups and community building between the interests of conciliation, also appears to ethnic identity and the tension between commercial power....

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