首页>学位论文>  梅州客家围龙屋文化旅游市场开发初探:以梅州万秋楼为例


作者:张崴琳 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】Tourism Marketing Strategies of Meizhou Weiwu--on the Example of Wanqiulou in Meizhou

【作者】 张崴琳

【关键词】 文化遗产 文化旅游开发 客家围龙屋

【外文关键词】 Cultural Heritage Cultural Tourism Development Hakka Weiwu







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接

【摘要】化遗产保护价值严重缺失。作者调查梅州地区客家围龙屋得出以下结论:梅州地区客家围龙屋大多数没有得到有效保护,特别是非名门望族的住所;绝大多数围龙屋的旅游价值并没有得到认识;即使用作旅游开发,也不能避免部分围龙屋受到改装类的损害;用作旅游开发但并不能得到完全市场认同,经营者盈利能力有待提高。 而对于文化遗产保护和文化旅游市场开发的矛盾,本文讨论得出客家围龙屋的文化遗产保护在文化旅游开发中起基础性作用,开发要以保护为前提,客家围龙屋在文化旅游开发中的保护工作应同样遵循生命原则、创新原则、整体原则、人本原则和教育原则。 位于梅江河畔的拥有八十多年历史的客家围龙屋万秋楼,集建筑参观、客家特色饮食服务、民俗表演于一体,在文化旅游业发展道路上取得不错的成果。本文在调研基础上总结万秋楼策略成功经验以及文化遗产保护现状,并由此总结梅州地区客家围龙屋文化旅游市场开发经验。...

【外文摘要】Hakka Weiwu is an important cultural resources demonstrating Hakka religion, philosophy, history, psychology, tradition, folk customs and humanity. However, a crisis is confronting Hakka Weiwu: They are being abandoned or half abandoned, and losing its cultural heritage value. According to the investigations of Hakka Weiwu, the article comes up with the following conclusions: most of Hakka Weiwu are not been properly protected, especially the folk Hakka Weiwu; the tourism value of Hakka Weiwu has not been awarded; we cannot totally avoid damage to those Hakka Weiwu used for tourism resources; the profit capacity is not strong enough to earn investment recognition. Also, the article concludes that the cultural heritage protesting is the root of the cultural tourism marketing. In the course of Hakka Weiwu tourism marketing, we should bear in mind the principles of life, creation, integrity, humanity and education. The Hakka Weiwu Wanqiulou, which lies in the bank of Meijiang, has been the top view spot in Meizhou. That is because its integrity of Hakka Weiwu structure and outstanding marketing management. On the basis of investigations, the articles concludes the successful experiences of Wanqiulou and asserts them to Hakka Weiwu in Meizhou....

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