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作者:官娇英 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:39

【外文题名】research into Hakka culture and works of Zhong Li He

【作者】 官娇英

【关键词】 钟理和 客家文化 硬颈精神 漂泊意识







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【摘要】的身份,用文学作媒介为读者呈现客家文化的深厚底蕴,让读者领略客家文化的独特面貌,而文学也以客家文化为底色,丰富了自身的内涵,提升了自身的文化品位。本文通过对钟理和作品与客家文化关系的研究,意欲彰显客家文化的独特面貌、深厚的内蕴,并把握钟理和作品的审美风格以及其创作因作者的理性自觉而呈现为对客家文化的超越提升,进而促进文学与文化的良性互动。 论文分为三章。第一章论述客家文化的形成与品格,为钟理和的作品分析研究奠定一个理论基础。客家民系是汉民系的支系,经过五次大迁徙,从中原地区最终入住闽粤赣山区,因此,客家文化以农耕文化为主,但在迁徙过程中以及来到入住地后吸收了其它不同质态的文化,最终形成了独具一格的博杂多元的客家文化。由此可见,客家文化的基本品格:适应性变异性品格。除此以外,客家文化也具有二元性品格,如既有封闭保守的一面也有开放进取的一面。对于客家文化的要素,历来各位专家学者仁者见仁、智者见智,但其基本观点一致即:浓厚的宗族观念、硬颈精神、和谐观、独特的客家女性意识。除论及客家文化的品格和要素,第一章还阐述钟理和的身份。这是第一章的三个方面内容。 第二章是本文论述的重点即钟理和作品思想意蕴中渗透着客家文化的元素及其对客家文化的超越。这一章从四个方面论述。第一节是风景的描写。由于客家人集中居住在闽粤赣山区,而山区的主要资源是土地、植物,所以钟理和的风景描写突出了对土地、树木及对绿色的偏爱。第二节是风俗的描绘,主要是招赘婚、结拜同年、客家山歌、同姓不婚、求雨丧葬等仪式,第三节是客家精神,主要是从家园情结、漂泊意识、硬颈精神、独特的客家女、和谐观等方面论述。以上既是对客家文化的具体事象进行介绍评论,也对客家文化的内在精神特质进行深入挖掘,印证文学与文化的相互关系,即文学是文化的载体,文化是文学的生命。而文学对文化还具有超越的功能。所以第四节是论述文学对文化的升华,主要有:强烈的宗族意识升华为民族意识、对文化惰性的批判、商业文明的萌芽。前面两者是钟理和作为知识分子对自己所属文化的自觉和特殊的时代背景所致,后者是台湾所处的地理位置、经济发展的必然。 第三章阐述文化观照下的美学风格。从现实主义创作手法和简练质朴的语言两个方面论述。现实主义的创作手法主要表现在题材上选用下层人民的庸常小事、平淡人生,人物刻划上作家关注底层的弱势群体并按照生活原有的实际情况地刻划;在意象的选择上选用山区生活中与农耕劳作关系紧密的普通意象;结构上近似平铺直叙,这种创作手法的选用是客家人注重实际生存的文化传统、脚踏实地的求实精神对钟理和的创作影响所致。语言也不夸张繁富,这也是因为客家人居住于山区,朴素的生活方式决定了他们的审美取向即以质朴为美,这种审美取向自然引导着作家的审美观。 钟理和先生一度处于日据时期,日本殖民者实行殖民主义教育欲消除民族认同、扭曲民族记忆。钟理和对客家民俗的描述有助于恢复民族记忆、加强民族认同;台湾光复后,国民党提倡反共八股文艺,钟理和对客家文化的书写也即是对民间文化的认同,对主流话语的疏离、抗拒,是对自由意志的有效表达;其时也开始流行现代主义文学思潮,它给台湾文坛带来丰富的表现手法同时也有明显的负面影响如虚无主义个人主义的抬头,钟理和坚持现实义风格也有利于中华传统文化的坚守。不过,钟理和先生由于处于封闭的山区,山地文化造成作家视野相对狭窄,自传色彩过于鲜明,局限于日常生活的叙写,未能从宏观上把握当时的历史进程,同时文体意识不够自觉。...

【外文摘要】Hakka nationality is a sub-system of Han ethnic group,which has constructed its own unique cultural system by the various experiences of five large-scale migration . Actually, Hakka culture not only infiltrat the daily life , ways of thinking and values of Hakka people,but also be paid close attention from the form of aesthetic which as a carrier to literature by common people.so Hakka culture is very precious that can not be ignored . Zhong Li He of Taiwan, and has the Hakka identity, showing details of culture of Hakks to readers by media of literature ,and making readers to know more about the specifity of culture of Hakka .By the way ,the literature basic on culture of Hakka which has well-developed and improved .According to research the relationship between works of ZhongLi He and culture of Hakka ,showing up the specifity and deep connotation of Hakka culture and grasping style of aesthetic conceptions from works of ZhongLi He , as well as its creation by the author for a rational and conscious of the Hakka culture beyond the improvement of literature and culture to the positive interaction. Thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter on the formation of the Hakka culture and character, the rationale for the bell and analysis of the works provide a theoretical basis. Department of the Hakka people is Hanmin branch lines, through five major movement, the final move from the Central Plains region of mountain Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, the Hakka culture in the main farming culture, However, in the course of movement, and came to stay after mass to absorb the other states of different cultures, and ultimately formed a unique hybrid multi-Bo Hakka culture. It can be seen that the basic character of Hakka culture: adaptive variation of the character. In addition, the Hakka culture also has the dual character, such as the closure of both the conservative side has an open side ahead. The elements of Hakka culture, experts and scholars has always been that benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, but the basic point of view that is consistent: the concept of a strong clan, the spirit of hard-neck, harmony, and a unique sense of Hakka women. In addition to deals with the Hakka culture and the elements of character, the first chapter also explained the rationale for and the identity of minutes. This is the first chapter of the three aspects. Chapter II is the focus of this paper, that is, Zhong Li and works in the infiltration of ideological connotation of the Hakka culture and its impact on the elements of Hakka culture beyond. This chapter discusses four aspects. Section I is a description of the landscape. As the concentration of Hakka people living in mountainous areas of Fujian and Guangdong and Jiangxi, and the mountain's main resources are land, plants, Zhong Li, and therefore description of the scenic highlights of the land, trees and the preference of the green. Section II is a custom painted, mainly Zhaozhui marriage, sworn the same year, the Hakka folk songs, married name rainmakers such as funeral ceremonies, the Hakka spirit of Section III, the main complex from their homes, drifting sense of the spirit of hard-neck, unique Hakka women, and so harmonious aspects. The above is not only a matter of Hakka culture, such as the introduction of specific comments, but also the inner spirit of the Hakka culture in depth the characteristics of mining, literature and culture confirmed the relationship between the literary culture that is the carrier of that culture is the life of literature. The literature also goes beyond the cultural function. Therefore, it is discussed in section IV of the sublimation of literature on culture, there are: a strong sense of the clan into the national consciousness, the criticism of cultural inertia, the budding commercial civilization. Zhong Li both the front and as intellectuals, the culture of their own initiative and due to special historical background, w...

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