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作者:李雪媚 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Phonetic Study of "Banshan Hakka" in Tangnan, Fengshun, Guangdong

【作者】 李雪媚

【关键词】 “半山客”话 语音 词汇 客家话 潮州话 比较

【外文关键词】 “Bansha n Hakka” phonetic system vocabulary Hakka Dia lect Chaozhou Dia lect comparison







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【摘要】语言学的研究方法,探求“半山区”地区语言生活的发展趋势。 本文共分为五章:第一章简单介绍什么是“半山客”并综述了“半山客”话的研究现状;第二章和第三章是分别介绍“半山客”话和汤南潮州话的语音系统及其基本的语音特征。第四章是以《切韵》为依据,从声母、韵母、声调三方面探讨“半山客”话,从中古音到今音的演变情况。第五章是“半山客”潮、客方言的接触和变异,分析“半山客”话与潮州话的相互影响状况。 通过本文潮、客方言语音、词汇系统的比较分析,我们可以发现,长坑管区是一个被潮州话包围的客家方言岛,“半山客“话受潮州话的影响是比较潮州话受客家话的影响要大的,而对客家话对潮州话的影响则是比较小的。尽管如此,在潮州方言的包围下的“半山客”话仍然是顽强的、保守的,客家人“宁卖祖宗田,不忘祖宗言”的执......

【外文摘要】“Bansha n Hakka”is a specia l Hakka Dia lect, is different from the Meixia n Hakkabecause of the long-term contacts with the Chaozhou Dia lect. Based on field work,this thesis does a comparative study of phonology, vocabulary system between theChaozhou dia lect of Jindengzha n villa ge and the Hakka dia lect of Changlin villa ge inTangnan town. Seeing from the phenomenon of mutual influence, the paper exploresthe law of variation that caused by the contact between dia lects. By applying themethods o......

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