首页>学位论文>  永定土楼群文化生态关系研究


作者:刘文炯 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:36

【作者】 刘文炯

【关键词】 土楼 土楼群 厅堂 宗祠 家庭 家族 宗族 节日仪式 文化生态 共生

【外文关键词】 earth house earth buildings village hall ancestral hall family clan festal ceremonies cultural environment mutualism







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Generally speaking, this dissertation is built by three main aspects.First, the objects of worship get a very clear-cut territoriality and which is related to the concept of people and spirits should live within their own sphere from the locals strongly.Secondly, as the expanding of the space, there is a continuity meaning between the hall of an earth house and the ancestral hall of the earth buildings village. The position of the hall in an earth house is located in the core and so similarly do......

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