首页>学位论文>  江西赣南采茶戏的音乐特征与表演艺术初探


作者:王欣 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:21

【作者】 王欣

【关键词】 历史沿革 内容形式 形态特征 保存发展

【外文关键词】 History reform Content form Characteristic Preservation and progress







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Gannan Caicha drama is a local theatre format created by Ke people which reflects their spirits、personalities、interests and inside feelings.For one side, Caicha drama is the production of Ke people’s culture.For the other side, Caicha drama helps to spread the social history、local conditions and customs、actual lives of Ke people. Caicha drama and Ke people depend on each other.The prosperity and changes of Ke people bring the prosperity and progress of Caicha drama.The main contents of Caicha drama reflect ......

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