首页>学位论文>  传统与嬗变:地方社会转型中的宗族与民间信仰──以闽西客家桂


作者:余丰 日期:2001.01.01 点击数:27

【作者】 余丰

【关键词】 宗族 民间信仰 资源 地方社会 转型时期

【外文关键词】 lineages folk beliefs resources local community transitional era







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【摘要】动情况,以此探讨在新的社会格局下,国家与地方社会对待当地文化资源的态度和操作行为,从而对当地人文景观有一更深入的认识。本文力图在为学术研究提供一份社区民族志的同时,也为当地政府提供一份决策参考。鉴于以往一些学者对当地社区进行的部分文化事项的历史学研究,本文则强调在人类学视野下更具广泛性的文化研究。     全文共分六个部分。前言介绍选题缘起,历次调查简历及行文方式。第一章介绍本文学术背景及目的。第二章介绍当地宗族与民间信仰情况,力图揭示当地社区各方力量交织形成的内部关系。第三章从民间信仰及宗族关系的新发展来探讨国家力量与当地社会对传统的再造与重塑过程。其后是结论及有关注释并参考资料。     文后附有一篇作者与导师合作的旅游开发计划,这是第二次田野调查期间应当地乡政府之邀而写的。    ...

【外文摘要】 As we know the Sinology has a long history. As earily as 19th century some works have already been done in this field. And among this the studies of lineages and folk beliefs in Southeast China have been one of the key components.     This dissertation of present study focuses on the following subjects: the items of lineages and folk beliefs in the Hakka area——Guilong (the true name is Sibao), western Fujian, especially in the transitional era. It will center on the way of the relationships between the local lineages, the local beliefs and how the state has shaped and controlled them since the Republican era, especially after the reform and opening-up.     The purpose of this dissertation is not only providing the data of community studies in Ethnology, but also offering the reference to the local government for its policy making. In contrast to some former scholars’ partly studies which focused on the history field of this community, this dissertation intends to put emphasis on the local cultural studies in Anthropologic view.     And it is composed of six sections. The preface tells us the reason and process of the 3 field works and the style of writing. The first chapter introduces the academic background and the purpose. The second one shows us the basic situation of the local lineages and folk beliefs, thus it intends to reveal the inner relationships which involves all kinds of local power. Then the third one guides us to the latest trend of development in which we can explore the process of how the state power and local community reproduce and remold the tradition. The following section is conclusion and related explanatory notes and reference.     Moreover, the postscript is the tourist plan which I cooperated with my supervisor as I did the field work for the local state at the 2nd time.    ...

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