首页>学位论文>  南康客家方言语法研究


作者:刘汉银 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:15


【作者】 刘汉银


【关键词】 客家话 南康 语法

【外文关键词】 Hakka dialects Nankang grammar








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【摘要】述补结构、述宾结构以及一些特殊句式进行了比较研究,考察了其用法;四是研究了普通话对南康话的影响。通过比较研究,探讨了南康话富有特色的语法现象。 ...

【外文摘要】The Nankang Hakka is one of the typical dialects of the central part of South Jiangxi Hakka dialect. This thesis mainly analyses the grammar of Nankang Hakka dialect. There are four parts in this thesis: the first part is about the origin and general characteristics of South Jiangxi Hakka dialects. The second is a research of the usage of words, including full words research and empty words, this thesis describes the typical usage of nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, measure words, pronouns, onomatopoeia, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words and interjections. The third part is about the syntactic relation of the dialect.in this part. The fourth part is about the influence of standard spoken Chinese on Nankang dialect. The main characteristics of Nankang dialect are analyzed through those comparisons. ...

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