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作者:阳林碧 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:48

【外文题名】Research on the "Ling Nan Yi Shi"

【作者】 阳林碧

【关键词】 岭南逸史 山歌 才子佳人小说 评点

【外文关键词】 Ling Nan Yi Shi folk songs novel on the genius and beauty comment







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【外文摘要】“Ling Nan Yi Shi”, which wrote in the middle period of Qing Dynasty, was a novel on the genius and beauty. It was based on the special Ming Dynasty history of the uprising of the Yao Nationality, near the West of Guangdong and how the Ming Government dealt with it. From being ignored to now being paid raising attention gradually, this novel has been proved to be with high position and reference for the Ling Nan culture.This article contains 5 chapters. The first chapter gives overall and systemic research on different versions of the novel, by introducing the basic information of its author. The second one focuses on its material resources and the writing thought or method. The third chapter digs out the Hakka folk songs in this novel, in order to show its national culture customs. The forth part labels this novel not only to be of the genius and beauty style of Middle Qing Period, but also to be as a transcendence of this.The last one emphasizes its value and importance on the history of ancient literary criticism, by developing some ignored ideas by the former researchers....

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