首页>学位论文>  基于SWOT分析的客家民俗文化旅游开发:以广东河源客家旅游


作者:张玉文 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】Based on the SWOT Analysis of Hakka Folk Cultural Tourism Development

【作者】 张玉文

【关键词】 客家 民俗文化 SWOT 分析 旅游开发 河源

【外文关键词】 Hakka Folk Culture SWOT Analysis Tourism Development Heyuan







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Heyuan Hakka folk culture has a long history, has a rich cultural heritage, it developed, can greatly promote the economic development of source areas, and will contribute to the protection of Hakka folk culture and heritage. Heyuan Government towards the Hakka folk culture resources in tourism development very seriously, has developed many Hakka folk culture tourist attractions, and many times at home and abroad to invite famous experts and scholars to Heyuan for Hakka folk culture of their territory development issues seminars. Therefore, Heyuan Hakka folk culture tourism development as a great case to study, there is considerable theoretical and practical significance.Papers on the source of Hakka, Hakka folk folk travel characteristics and the meaning of the characteristics of a set of Hakka folk culture of Heyuan were explained in tourism resources, and on this basis, the Hakka folk culture of the Heyuan SWOT Tourism Development factors that Heyuan Hakka Folk Custom Tourism to face the reality, combined with the actual Heyuan, Heyuan have made the development of unique scenic spots and attractions.Paper focuses on the system are profound, from special tourism, industrial upgrading and enhance the competitiveness of tourism destinations, personnel training, cooperation, innovation and inheritance and many other point of view of the Heyuan Hakka folk culture tourism resources of their own characteristics, Hakka Folk Culture and Tourism on the development of a detailed study carried out. On this basis, put forward some ideas developed in order to better serve the development and construction of Heyuan Hakka folk culture tourism....

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