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作者:潘瑜 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:9

【外文题名】Study on the Culture of Ancestral Halls of the Hakka

【作者】 潘瑜

【关键词】 客家祠堂 文化 符号 功能 和谐社会

【外文关键词】 The culture of Hakka ancestral halls symbol function harmonious society







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【外文摘要】Numerous ancestral halls built in China is an historic and social phenomenon of Chinese traditional culture, an visible reflection of the values of Han nationality in Central China by specific building, one of the patterns of development of its cultural tradition. The ancestral halls of the Hakka is an symbol of the power of discourse of the culture of Han nationality and provides an invisible way by which a national ideology is implemented in real life by its combination of clan system with folk culture, This is the cultural and political interaction by the form of discourse structure and distribution of space, the wonderful integration of architectural space and human relations, an effective cultural pattern to control public awareness with some moral and ethical values.The culture of Hakka ancestral halls has great Chinese characteristics, whose cultural model is an reflection of strict internal order of Han nationality and an effective and flexible mechanism to achieve self-improvement and one of the forms of its temporal and spatial development.Therefore, the inheritance of the culture of the Hakka ancestral halls can only realize their own cultural self-reflection, cultural awareness and even cultural self-independence and accomplish its one and another cultural transformation in the modern context and cultural development of its topodeme on the base of the values in common with people in a harmonious socialist society.There is an old saying“The making of a moral custom must be completed by the educating of its people.”The culture of Hakka ancestral halls is a people-centered traditional Chinese culture with particular emphasis on the cultivation of cultural personality, thus forming a unique characteristic of the Hakka. The national awakening is firstly reflected in its cultural awakening. In the modern context, the development and inheritance of the culture of Hakka ancestral halls will require a timely cultural reflection and self-adjustment of the Hakka, which is the law of development of Chinese culture and the needs of harmonious culture in socialist society . Therefore, the development and inheritance of the culture of Hakka ancestral halls is of great significance on the rejuvenation of China....

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