首页>学位论文>  客家筝乐艺术风格成因研究


作者:张铭娟 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:24

【作者】 张铭娟

【关键词】 客家筝乐 客家筝人 演奏技法 广东汉剧

【外文关键词】 Hakka Zheng Hakka Zheng Artists Playing techniques Chinese Opera in Guangdong







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Simple and elegant style and significant features of the hakka zheng, is the zheng music in a country where beautiful flowers bloom. Both the song structure, tone and playing characteristics of the road have given it a unique look. The style characteristic of the formation of the complex history and culture permeated with elements, but also learn the Hakka folk music rich nutrients. Migration, whether history, geography and dialects of the living environment, or Guangdong, and Guangdong Chinese Opera of music, and finally are ongoing efforts to generation through family valet Zheng gathered their wisdom, that makes this little long to reveal the brightly colored flowers the fragrance.The first chapter will study the technical aspects of the style characteristics of the Hakka Zheng, including song structure, characteristics and performance tuning techniques.The second chapter in the history of immigration from the Hakka movement, they live in the geographical environment and the Hakka dialect as starting point to analyze the characteristics of these factors associated with style. The third chapter analyzes the pitch of how Chinese from Guangdong and Guangdong Han opera music separate, and how the pitch of the incessant efforts of forming its own unique style....

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