首页>学位论文>  无形的心碑:客家筝曲《崖山哀》的音乐特征及文化内涵


作者:黄露曼 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】Immortal Memory: The Musical Features and Cultural Connotation of a Hakka Zheng Named Mountain Lament

【作者】 黄露曼

【关键词】 广东汉乐 客家筝 《崖山哀》 演奏风格

【外文关键词】 GuangDong Chinese traditional music Hakka Zheng “Mountain lament” Style of perfomance







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】“Mountain lament”is one of the representative classical repertoires of Hakka Zheng school. The style characteristics of Hakka Zheng and its performance features were introduced by detailed analysis of the musical features and cultural connotation of“Mountain lament”. And the questions about how to master the features and connotation of Hakka Zheng must be paid attention to were illustrated as follow by my own learning. Firstly, GuangDong Chinese traditional music, which was mainly Hakka stringed mus......

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