首页>学位论文>  客家庄婚姻圈的流动-以日治时期万峦乡成德村为例


作者:蔚乙亘 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】The Marital Circuit Mobilization In Hakka Village---Taking Chengde Village of Wanluan Township in the Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwan as an Example

【作者】 蔚乙亘

【关键词】 婚姻圈 日治时期 万峦乡 成德村

【外文关键词】 Marital Circuit Japanese Colonial Period Marital Network Census Survey







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【摘要】內的歷任的行政首長,從日治 時期、戰後官派鄉長、民選鄉長,幾由客家人擔任。 成德村位於萬巒鄉最北邊毗鄰東港溪的上游,傀儡山的出入口,排 灣族的佳平、萬安、筏灣在其東邊,南邊有閩埔共居的萬金、赤山村, 西邊是五溝村,地名又稱「寮下」,是全鄉面積最大的村庄。成德村以 客家人居多數,共有 10 個寮組成,清領時期(1892)屬鳳山縣港東上里日 恭寮,日治時期(1901)屬阿緱廳潮州支廳,始稱成德庄。 本文以萬巒鄉成德村為範圍,以保存於萬巒鄉戶政事務所的日治時 期戶口調查簿、除戶簿的第一手資料為工具,探討日治時期成德村民的 婚姻關係,考察其婚配對象的族群別與地域別,即針對客家社群間、埔 漢族群間的婚姻圈,進行族群網絡、地域關係的分析。客家人為何從原 本生活領域遷徙他處?遷移路線為何?移民後生活如何?如何通婚?有 無他鄉變故鄉?和故鄉來往如何?由於每個地方的族群所碰到的問題不 同,因此出現不同的結果。有的是保留原汁原味的客家村,有的和其他ii 族群混居,有的被福佬人同化等等,不一而足。而身處六堆先鋒堆的成 德村,隔著東港溪和內埔鄉遙望,旁邊環伺著閩南、平埔和原住民,其 婚姻圈、族群邊界是如何流動?這是我們要討論的方向。 本文的研究方法有蒐集文獻資料、抄錄日治時期的戶籍舊簿,針對 有疑義的地方做田野調查。研究結果發現成德村的客家人,婚配對象的 地域性以同庄居多,鄰庄和本地次之,外地個案極少,除高雄州外,台 東州、台南州、台中州都有婚配對象,最遠到達中華民國福建省的福州 府。婚配對象的選擇上,以內婚制(endogamy)居多,婚配的模式上多為同 質婚(homogamy),招贅婚與納妾比例高,也會和當時稱為「生番」的原 住民結婚,但人數不多。究其原因應與日治時期交通不便,婚姻選擇機 會不多,且經濟活動多為務農,需要較多幫手有關。...

【外文摘要】Wanluan Township was called Vanguard Stack in Ching dynasty, belongs to one of Liudui, has been well-known of the pettitoes for past few decades. The development history of Wanluan Township including four major ethnic groups: Hakka, Hoklo, Pingpu tribe and aborigine. Nowadays, Hakka and Hoklo takes 50%-50% of the population. Chengde Village also called Liew-Shia, located in the northern part of Wanluan Township, is the largest village in the township. Most residents are Hkka, composed of ten Liau. In 1892, Chengde Village belonged to Zukown Liau, Guandounsun Village, Funsun County. It was governed by the Office of the Ahou Chawtso Branch Office in the Japanese colonial period (1901). The purpose of the study was to explore the marital relationships iv among the Chengde Village residents in the Japanese colonial period. To investigate the ethnic group and the residence location difference of the spouse. The habitants of Chengde Village were used as the subjects. The census survey record of Japanese colonial period in Wanluan Township Census bureau acted as the instrument. The document analysis and face to face in-depth interview were adopted to analyze the marital circuit between the Hakka tribe and Pu-Han tribe related to the ethnic group network and residence location. The results indicated that the Hakka spouse of Chengde Village were from the same village most, neighboring village and local second, very few from outside village. The choice of marriage, the endogamy took the most. Most of the mode of marriage are homogamy. The percentage to have uxorilocal marriage and concubinage were high. Very few people married to aborigine. It was concluded that the transportation was inconvenient, not much option of marriage and most economical activity was farming in the Japanese colonial period were the main reason cause the results....

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