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作者:刘怡婷 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】The study of the male in Taiwan Hakka proverbs

【作者】 刘怡婷

【关键词】 客家谚语 男性 谚语

【外文关键词】 men Hakka proverbs proverbs







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【摘要】究》為方向,探究客家諺語中所涵蓋之男性價值 觀,並針對男性的家庭地位、角色期待、人際互動、婚姻擇偶、職場成就等面向做整理, 從諺語闡述中歸結出客家男性的樣貌,盼能在紀錄流傳前人智慧的同時,賦予客家男性 新的角色參考方向與詮釋。研究內容以男性作為主要的取材方向,將蒐集到的相關諺語 加以歸納分類,主軸依照男性的人生歷程區分成「人子」、「人夫」、「人父」以突顯其不 同階段所賦予的不同責任與意義;「人子」以其所需承擔的責任與角色加以分類;婚姻 是家庭結構組成之始,「人夫」的角色及其重要,從婚前的擇偶乃至婚後的相處都蘊含 著人生的智慧,更可從中一窺兩性互動的真實面貌;「人父」則是跳脫人子、人夫的角 度,在生育、養育、教育上所扮演的角色著手,「人際」則是從社會的宏觀角度、家庭 的微觀角度,解釋男性所被賦予的形象和期許。依本文的研究闡釋客家諺語中的男性輪 廓,了解傳統男性的角度和定位,提供對男性思考的方向,希望對客家男性的議題有初 步的了解與基本的樣貌。...

【外文摘要】"Ten proverbs, nine true ", the ancient legacy of proverbs reveals a lot of information. Hakka proverbs is not just the tongue spread down by predecessors, also an interesting language which includes Hakka life philosophy, attitude towards life and cautionary saying. It is a different treasure of culture with concise statement to render the national characteristics and philosophy of life. This thesis takes "The study of the male in Taiwan Hakka proverbs" as the topic. Try to probe into Hakka proverbs covered by masculine values, and the men''s family status, expectations of roles, social interaction, marriage, spouse, and career achievements . This thesis are integrated to attribute the appearance of male in Hakka from proverbs elaboration, giving Hakka male to a new direction and interpretation is expected as a reference when the wisdom of forefathers is recorded and expanded. Research masculine as the main direction then analyze and categorize the collected proverb, in accordance with the Male''s life course which is divided into "Son " , "Husband" and "Father" is given to highlight the different stages of the different responsibilities and significance as the main scheme. The section "Son " is classified by role and responsibility; Marriage is the beginning of family , "Husband" plays a very important part from mate selection to get along in marriage contains the wisdom of life, and has a glimpse of the true face of the gender interaction; "Father" get rid of the point of view of Son and Husband, undertake the role‐playing by birth, upbringing and education; "Interpersonal relationship" explain the image and expectations of men have been given from the macro view of society and the micro view of family. This paper examines the profile of traditional male in Hakka proverbs, find out their point of view and position, to provide directions of men''s thinking, and hope to have a preliminary understanding with the basic appearance on Hakka men''s issue....

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