首页>学位论文>  2002-2010年台湾主要报纸对客家桐花报导之研究


作者:连卜慧 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:18

【外文题名】A Study of Hakka Tung Blossom Reports in Major Newspapers from 2002 to 2010 in Taiwan

【作者】 连卜慧

【关键词】 桐花新闻 媒体报导 内容分析 扎根法

【外文关键词】 Content Analysis Media Report Tung Blossom News Grounded Theory







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【摘要】相關議題涵蓋之概念,以此理解桐花於台灣社會發展之現況、脈絡及其影響之意義。   本研究採質、量並重之方式分析,以質詮釋內涵,以量分析趨勢。就其分析結果顯示,桐花相關新聞中,「廣而告知」之訊息所佔比例甚重,並受政治氛圍之影響,且最後於新聞報導出現之概念,彙整歸納出之核心範疇為文化與符號意象、社會與族群、政治與政策、產業經濟效益、自然與實體環境、地方與節慶特徵,以及學習與永續機制等七大類。   總歸媒體對桐花議題發展之關注,乃歸結於土城市公所舉辦之桐花節及客委會舉辦之桐花祭而起,進而吸引社會大眾之注意力,在桐花意象深植人心的同時,各層面也相互交錯的影響著,並在多方面實質的具體作為上,逐漸出現連帶效果,帶動著「桐花」朝向一個系統性、永續性的架構之中。...

【外文摘要】In recent years, with the rising of the “Tung Blossom” activities, the related topics are increasingly concerned by media. Hence, this study aims at the exploration of the trend, distribution and development of the related news coverage by the major newspapers in Taiwan during the period of 2002 to 2010. In the study, the content analysis and the grounded theory were adopted. Samples taken from China Times, United Daily News and Liberty Times were introduced into these methods to analyze and derive the basic information including category of newspapers, forms of reporting, and years reported. Meanwhile, the concepts covered by the reported “Tung Blossom” topics were explored in order to understand the meaning and influence to the current status and context of Taiwan social development. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were applied in the study to interpret and analyze the essence and the trend respectively. The result showed that among the reported news, “broadly informed” message was ranked the highest due to the political influence. The concepts derived from the news were eventually summarized into seven core categories including Cultural and Symbolic, Social and Ethnic, Politics and Policy, Industrial Economic Benefit, Natural and Physical Environment, Local and Festival Features, and Learning and Sustainable Mechanism. It was concluded that the media concerns to “Tung Blossom” topics were originated from the activities of government agencies which attracted the attention of general public. As the image of “Tung Blossom” was rooted into people’s mind, various aspects were interactively affected and linked collectively. Thus, the “Tung Blossom” is led toward a systematic and persistent framework....

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