首页>学位论文>  影响移民工作人对东南亚籍女性配偶态度之研究


作者:潘宜羚 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:6

【外文题名】A study of influence the immigrant worker attitudes towards female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia

【作者】 潘宜羚

【关键词】 移民工作人员 社会接触 威胁感 社会距离

【外文关键词】 immigrant worker social contact threat social distance







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接

【摘要】南(55.4%)、客家(22.9%)、原住民(15.1%)、外省人(6.6%);七成屬於照顧單位;教育程度以大學最多,佔72.3%;教育背景包括護理(24.1%)、社會工作(21.7%)、警政(18.1%)、教育(15.7%)和其他(20.5%);從事外籍配偶相關工作的年資以五年以上者最多,佔26.5%。 二、威脅感各層面中,以「團體間的焦慮」影響最大,即團體間的焦慮感越大,對東南亞籍女性配偶社會距離越疏遠。 三、社會接觸部分,「日常生活與東南亞籍女性配偶接觸頻繁程度」越多,對東南亞籍女性配偶的社會距離越親近。 四、移民工作人員的「性別」、「族別」、「教育程度」與「工作年資」會影響社會距離的遠近。 基於上述的研究結果,本研究針對如何建構一個友善的環境提出以下相關的建議: 一、提供新移民服務網絡工作人員反壓迫、反歧視之多樣性議題的在職進修課程,內容應包括:1.強調性別意識的反省對實務工作的重要性;2.突破科層體制枷鎖的壓迫;3.增加非正式的社會接觸以縮短社會距離;4.反偏見課程以提升多元文化的觀念。 二、社會工作教育應重視文化同理能力的培養,以符合社會公平正義的基本價值。 三、在制定移民政策與推動尊重多元文化的同時,政府應率先倡導反歧視、反偏見、反壓迫的觀念,創造友善的環境。...

【外文摘要】The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the factors that influence the immigrant worker attitudes towards Female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia. This study collected 166 samples, completed 89% by questionnaire survey. The research findings are as follows: 1.The shape of immigrant workers. The worker consisted mostly of women , accounts for 66.3%. The mean age is 39.34 years old. The ethnic consisted of the south of Fujian Province(55.4%), the Hakkas(22.9%), the aboriginal(15.1%), the other provinces people(6.6%). Accounting for 70.5% that the workers belonged to care unit. Education degree is the most with universities, accounts for 72.3%. The education background includes attending to(24.1%), the social work(21.7%), the alert policy(18.1%), the education(15.7%), with the other(20.5%). The years of work experience of the immigrant workers was more than five years, accounts for 26.5%. 2.“Intergroup anxiety” was a stronger predictor of social distance toward female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia. 3.“Quantity of social contact in privacy ” had lower social distance toward female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia. 4.Social distance toward female foreign spouses from Southeast Asia were influenced by gender, ethnic, level of education, and years of work experience of the immigrant worker. Based on the results of this thesis, it is suggested that how to build up a friendly environment: 1.Offer diversity topic of refresher course about anti-oppressive, anti-discrimination to immigrant worker, the content should include: a. sex consciousness, b. bureaucracy, c. increase contact in privacy, d. promote the multiculturalism through the anti-prejudice course. 2.The social work education should emphasize that train the competence of cultural empathy. 3.The government must take the lead in advocating the concept of anti-discrimination, anti-prejudice, anti-oppressive....

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