首页>学位论文>  台湾华客语口译现状及未来发展


作者:李贤明 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:9

【外文题名】The Present Situation and Future Perspectives - Interpretation of Mandarin and Hakka Language in Taiwan

【作者】 李贤明

【关键词】 华客语口译 客家基本法 公事语言 客语无障碍空间

【外文关键词】 The Hakka Basic Law Hakka Language User friendly Environment Official Language The Interpretations of Mandarin and Hakkanese







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【摘要】區設置固定式口譯設備和招訓合格口譯師擔任口譯始能彰顯基本法立法精神。 「新竹縣客語口譯人才協會」成立於2009年青年節,其做為全國第一個也是唯一以訓練與推動華客語口譯制度為宗旨的人民團體極具先驗價值。1889年馬偕博士進入龍潭,基督教即積極推動客語宗教口譯,由最初的「逐步口譯」過渡到「同步口譯」及偶而為之的「耳譯」,在台灣客家鄉鎮猶如櫥窗般呈現完整世界口譯進化史;此外本研究將第二次全國客家會議、節慶與客家:全國客家日研討會、2012年總統大選電視政見辯論會分別代表會議口譯、學術會議口譯和電視口譯實例列入觀察。發現在1388名客語薪傳師基礎上,通過考試後施以訓練分發至發展區執行公務;增訂「客家基本法」罰則;放寬經費限制。將可望有效提升客語由方言層次進入高階語言,亦唯有在公共場域被公開使用客家話才有保存機會。 過去公務員掄才考試未曾實施客語口試,目前客家文化重點發展區尚無全面提供客語無障礙環境條件。現階段唯有透過華客語口譯制度為中介逐步實現基本法立法精神。...

【外文摘要】Due to the specialty of Taiwan’s history, interpretation always plays an important role, such as an original colonial tool,as a commercial appeal of Capitalism, and the instrument for minority groupsto strive for linguistic human rights.“The Hakka Basic Law”, which was issued in 2010, legislating Hakka language needs to be implemented into 69 prioritized developing areas. The interpretations of Mandarin and Hakkanese have attracted people’s attention since it aimed to protect the linguistic human rights of Hakkaese groups. The interpretations of Mandarin and Hakkanese needs to be implemented beforehand. In addition, the ways to manifest the spirits of “The Hakka Basic Law” are to install fixed interpreting devices in the 69 prioritized developing areas, and to train people to be qualified interpreters. “The Association of Interpreting Hakka Language in Hsinchu County” was established on the Youth Day (March 29th) in 2009. It was the first and the only non-government group that focus on training and pushing the system of the interpretations of Mandarin and Hakkanese. Back in 1889, when Dr. Mackey got to Longtan, Christianity pushed religious interpretation in Hakka language. It seems like we are witnessing a development history of the whole interpretation in the Hakka County in Taiwan, from consecutive interpreting,simultaneous interpreting, to whispered interpreting. Moreover, this thesis contained the observed results of several examples, such as the second nation-wide Hakka conference, the seminar of the National Hakka Day, the debating of presidential candidates. I believe to position Hakka language as a high-level language instead of only a dialect is the only way to make it known to the public, which is the only chance for it to be preserved. Previously, the national civil service exams have never had oral test in Hakkanese, and there is no Hakka user-friendly environment yet even in those 69 prioritized developing areas. The only thing we can do is to accomplish the main purpose of the basic law gradually at this point in time....

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