【外文题名】Hakka association and communication medium operation: A Case Study of the Taiwan Hakka Teacher Association
【作者】 李中敬
【外文关键词】 Taiwan HakkaTeacher Association Organizational commitment Communication medium Hakka association
【全文挂接】 读秀挂接
【摘要】與社會期待、族群認同來滿足成員在社團中所獲得的親和關係及歸屬感,共同努力推廣客家文化。然而客家社團的成員散居各地,社團又是如何帶動各地成員一同推動客家事務是本研究要探討的。 本研究發現,台灣客家教師協會推廣客家文化,其社團在成員客家認同為基礎下,希望提升成員重視台灣客家事務的發展,因而與政府、民間開辦各項活動。台灣客家教師協會透過溝通媒介訊息感受程度的差異,而選擇適當的溝通方式讓客家活動資訊有效流動,但無論何種溝通並不影響對於客家事務的熱忱;然而在社團發展過程中因應政府鄉土語言教育的推動,讓台灣客家教師協會在客語推動的角色與成立之初有所衝突,因此,客家社團如何在政府推動客家事務的過程相互配合,將資源作最有大的發揮是未來客家社團當務之急要面對的。...
【外文摘要】Due to the Hakka affairs was to pay much attention by every side, Extending Hakka language exercise was to action on overall open Hakka channel, alter radio legal, establish diversification ethnic policy since 1988. Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan collected Hakka elite and government to continue the Hakka culture. But the Knowledge-based Economy is core of Taiwan resource of economy, Hakka association was boiled to condense the goal and promote cooperation to make Hakka culture will integrate with member and society expected, which was make member obtain the relationship of ethnic and intimacy . but the association member disperses in each region, how they communicate with each other and make together to promote Hakka affair, in the other hands, how to management the Hakka association to make member will do thyself best in Hakka affair is my research would discuss . According to the research, Taiwan Hakka teacher association (THTA) promotes the Hakka culture, which is foundation for the members Hakka identity to promotes the member take care of Taiwan Hakka affairs, thus, sets up each activity with the government. Communication medium feeling degree difference for THAT members, which chooses the suitable communication way to let the Hakka activity information flow effectively, but regardless of which one kind of communication doesn''t affect zeal for Hakka affairs. In the association developing process, However, The government promote the local speech education''s, lets Taiwan Hakka teacher association has been the conflict with begging of the established, therefore, how the Hakka association does impel the Hakka affairs process and cooperate with the government to coordinate mutually, then make the whole resources best is Hakka association urgent matter for the further....
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