首页>学位论文>  十九世纪北台湾大坪溪与上坪溪流域之族群社会与国家


作者:王玮筑 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:12

【外文题名】A Multi-Ethnic Society of the Da-Ping and the Shang-Ping River Valleys in Northern Taiwan of the 19th Century

【作者】 王玮筑

【关键词】 化番 生番 赛夏族 泰雅族 隘垦 开山抚番 抚垦署 开港 樟脑

【外文关键词】 cultivated aborigine wild aborigine Saisiyat Atayal frontier guards opening up the mountains and pacifying the aborigines the opening of the ports camphor







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【摘要】區域之內,希望能更清楚地描繪原住民,以及族群之間的互動關係;於區域之外,則希望對十九世紀的臺灣史,提供一個從地域社會角度出發、由下而上的觀察。 在區域之內,本文試著指出,漢、化番、生番三方的互動,隨著時間的演進,發展出了比「防守」、「敵對」更為複雜多元的關係。三者之間的彼此合作以及相互抗衡,顯示了三個族群無論是否直接相鄰,或者是否有著頻繁的互動,都無法忽視另外二方的存在與其狀態。換言之,這是三個族群彼此制衡才從而產生的社會樣貌。本文也試著指出,這樣的族群秩序與社會樣貌,事實上是三個族群帶著各自的文化,隨著時間軸的推動,緩慢形塑而成的結果。因而,仔細檢視在史料中記載的現象,可以發現這些其實是不同族群文化之呈現,甚至是彼此交織的產物。 在區域之外,十九世紀臺灣經歷了諸多重要的事件。本文希望透過對於一個地域社會的長期觀察,重新去思考,這些外在的大事件,對於地方社會而言,其所接收到或實質感受到的變化與影響為何。本文以此地域社會為主要視角,試著指出,(1)延續自十八世紀末的「設隘防番」政策,事實上提供了一個機會與舞台,讓漢人得以越過邊界,推進內山,自行與番人在邊界之外磨合發展出共存的族群秩序。(2)1885年劉銘傳建省後實行開山撫番,對於當地而言,更像是將過往界外民間自己發展而成的秩序,納入體制,並抽取此地運行許久的經濟利益。(3)1896年日治初期的撫墾署,有別於清代政府的經濟考量,在實質層面上著重的是「調查」與「教化」。其緩慢地改變過往族群秩序的作為,成為了日後更積極政策的基礎。(4)本地區揭示了1860年臺灣開港對於在地社會的深刻影響。因著世界市場對樟腦的需求,讓漢人不斷地往內山推進,與原居此地的番人從相互敵對,到彼此分工合作。因而,外在世界的帝國主義與資本主義氛圍,反而最為深刻地形塑了此地的族群關係及生活方式。...

【外文摘要】In the 19th century, there are three ethnic groups living in the Da-Ping and Shang-Ping river valleys in northern Taiwan: the Hakka Han, the cultivated aborigine, and the wild aborigine. This thesis explores why and how the three different ethnic groups coexisted, and how these people interacted with the administrators when they were officially governed by the Qing dynasty in 1885 and by Japanese colonial government ten years later in 1895. The study lucidly illustrates the images of the aborigines and analyzes the relations among the different ethnic groups. The study also uses a view point of local society to review several important political and economic events and trying to identify the unofficial implication of these events. As a region study, the thesis firstly shows the relationships between the ethnic groups in this area are more complicated than simple racial hostility. The various and changeable interactions among the three groups demonstrate that any of the three could not ignore the existences of the other two. In other words, the existence of the three-ethic-group society is established on the counterbalance of their members. Second, the descriptions of the society recorded in the historical materials are considered and interpreted in its cultural context. The study shows the image of this society is the result of cultural blending. The actual impact of several important events on the local society during the 19th century is another topic of this study. The conclusions are summarized below. First, in order to prevent the Han people from being attacked by the aborigines living in the mountains, Qing dynasty in the last decade of the 18th century allowed the Han people who lived in the peripheral area of the mountains to build the fortification legally. This permission provided the Hakka Han with the opportunities to cross the original boundary and to form the multi-ethnic society. Second, as a result of executing the policy of “opening up the mountains and pacifying the aborigines” in 1885, the government officially claimed and ruled the society which had formed several decades ago. The original ethnic relationship and social order remained. The noticeable change was that the people were required to pay the partial profits of their economic activities to the government as the taxes. Third, at the beginning of the Japanese colonial period which began after 1895, the government put more emphasis on the investigation of the mountain area and the cultivation of the aborigine rather than on the profits. The thesis suggests that this period should be considered as groundwork rather than a transitory period for the subsequent aborigine subjugation period in the next century. Finally, the market-opening in 1860 influenced the local society profoundly. As the result of Qing government signing the Treaty of Tientsin after The Second Opium War, the four Taiwanese ports opened for the foreign trade. The new global demand for camphor instigated the Han people incessantly entering the mountain area to acquire the material and produce camphor, causing the reformation of the society order among the Chinese, the cultivated and the wild aborigines. This reveals how the global Capitalism and the Imperialism affected the ethnic relationship and the social life of this local society....

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