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作者:叶冬梅 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】On Lianzhou Dialect

【作者】 叶冬梅

【关键词】 廉州话 粤语 广东话 汉语方言比较 汉语方言史

【外文关键词】 Lianzhou dialect YUE Dialect Cantonese comparision of Chinese dialects history of Chinese dialect







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【外文摘要】This paper deals with some special features of Lianzhou(廉州) Dialect which is considered as the representation of subdialect Qinlian(钦廉). In this paper, we argue that the devoicing of the ancient voiced initials in Lianzhou Dialect inherited from the North-west dialects in the last year of Tang Dynasty rather than being influenced by HAKKA that immigrant in Ming(明) or Qing (清) Dynasty and living in a neighbourhood; its being empty of “Cuokouhu”(撮口呼) probably rooted in the same cause; its having some characters of Jiang Group(江摄) readed as those in Tong Group(通摄) reflects the residuum of early ancient Chinese; its combination of middle ancient Qing-Qu(清去) tone and middle ancient Yang-Ping(阳平) tone is likely having a close relationship with Northern MIN Dialect. This paper also makes a analysis on some exclusive words of Lianzhou Dialect, which can be based to emphasize the relationship between Lianzhou Dialect and ancient Chinese、MIN Dialect、HAKKA and GAN Dialect, also the relationship with Zhuang-Dong group, and the close relationship to the other dialects distributing in Southern Guangxi and Western Guangdong especially Wuyang(吴阳) Dialect of subdialect Wuhua(吴化) and Hailao(海佬) Dialect which is common to be seen along Beibu Gulf, this paper holds that the Lianzhou Dialect and Hailao(海佬)Dialect are of the same kind dialect. So, we infer that Lianzhou Dialect have some complex substrata before the influence of YUE Dialect from Guangdong. Finally, we cite the evidences of literature history and archaeology to sustain our viewpoints....

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