首页>学位论文>  上杭县下都乡客家历史文化传承初探


作者:薛小勤 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:3

【外文题名】A Preliminary Study of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Hakka—A Tribe of Xiadu Village, Shanghang County

【作者】 薛小勤

【关键词】 下都客家 历史文化 传承

【外文关键词】 Xiadu Hakka History and Culture Heritage







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接

【摘要】凭借自己的勤劳勇敢精神,在汀江河蜿蜒环绕的下都乡开基拓业,繁衍生息。在长期的生产劳作中形成的客家文化不仅留有中原韵味,而且还有自己的特色。本文通过对乡里老人的访谈和相关文献资料的查阅,从下都客家语言、婚丧嫁娶、饮食、岁时节日、童谣、山歌、谚语等方面,初步探讨下都客家历史文化的传承。 下都客家语言不仅属于文化的一部分,也是文化得以历代传承的工具,同时在词汇和语法上呈现出自己的特色,本文重在描写日常生活和交际中显而易见的词汇及语法特色。 婚姻和死亡是人生的重大事件,备受关注。为表重视,婚姻的过程和丧事的办理受到相应的规范和约束,形成了一整套完备的礼仪制度。乡民们希望新人婚后幸福和死者死后安息,代代恪守着这些礼仪制度。 下都客家人长期的生活劳作中,创造了许多生动形象、琅琅上口的儿童歌谣,这些童谣短小流利,富有生活气息,不仅让儿童学习讲话,而且在传唱的过程中潜移默化的学会各种事物的名称和特点。“有山必有客,有客必有歌” ,客家人用唱山歌的方式放松心情、感慨生活、交流感情。谚语在下都客家人的生活中处处可闻,它们指导着人们的农事安排、家庭的教育。这些童谣、民谚、山歌对乡民们的生产生活起到了非常重要的作用,是乡民生活不可或缺的文化产品。...

【外文摘要】The Hakka dispersed in the homeland mainly in the provinces like Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Hainan and Taiwan, besides that their footprints have also been documented by other countries in the world. Being called the "Oriental Jews", the Hakka migrated from the Central Plains to the distant southern mountain areas through war and famine. By its advantageous and unique geographical environment, Xiadu Village,Shanghang County has attracted the Hakka ancestors several hundred years ago, who were forced to migrate southernwards because of war and famine. For centuries, the Hakka ancestors thrived,multiplied and prosperd in the last land of Xiadu,which was meandered byTing river,with their genuine bravery together with hardworking spirit. The Hakka culture cultivated in the long-term of work not only retains the traditional flavor born in the Central Plains, but also has its own characteristics. Based on the interviews with elders in this cillage and numerous relevant documentary accesses, from the perspectives of the Hakka language, taditions of weddings and funerals, Festivals, nursery rhymes, folk songs, proverbs, etc.,the paper mainly discusses the inherited history and culture of the Hakka. The Hakka language is not only belongs to part of the culture, but also acts as the tool to history and cultural heritage.Meanwhile the language is featured by its unique vocabulary and grammar.This paper focuses on the characteristics of vocabulary and grammar by describing the daily conversations and the daily life. Marriage and funeral are major events in life which deserve concern. Importance is stressed by emphasizing appropriate norms and constraints about marriage and funeral arrangements,hence a complete set of etiquette system is formed. Villagers hope the newly weds enjoy happiness and the deceased rest in peace,so these ceremonial system are strictly abided by following generations. Countless vivid and catchy nursery rhymes are created by the Hakkas during the long-term work.These dapper and life-like songs enable the children to practice speaking meanwhile grasp the names and traits of different objects through transmission. "Where there are mountains there must be the Hakkas, where there are the Hakkas there must be songs. " This song just portraits the way how the Hakkas release pressure,express life and share feelings. Proverbs can be heard everywhere in Hakka people’s life,which guide their farming arrangements and family education. These nursery rhymes, proverbs as well as folk songs all play a very important role in people’s productive working and life, hence are essential cultural products to them....

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