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作者:赵晓阳 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】The Encounter and Integration of the Heterogeneous Language and Culture: Study on the Chinese Translation of the Bible

【作者】 赵晓阳

【关键词】 语言文化 相遇融会 圣经中译

【外文关键词】 language and culture the encounter and integration the Chinese translation of the Bible







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【摘要】籍。 圣经中译本的确拥有这些众多历史“之最”,这与汉字具有超发音、超方言的特殊性质有关,也与清末民初的文字改革和文化转型有关。圣经中译活动最兴盛活跃时期的清末民初时期,即1860年代至1930年代,正是中国语言文字变化最为剧烈的时期,正是汉语古汉语及其文化向白话文转化的时期,正是汉语拉丁化广为呼声和努力实践的时期,正是语言文字改革最为活跃的时期。汉语言文字的转型和改革,出现了多种因文字改革和语体变化而产生的多种过渡性书写方式,清末民初出现的多种语言文字改革和表现方式,有些甚至是非常短暂的过渡性书写方式,圣经都曾以此文字形式出版过版本。这一点从圣经中译本有文言、半文半白、白话文、方言汉字、方言教会罗马字、王照官话注音字母、国语注音符号、国语罗马字、多种少数民族文字、盲文字本、威妥玛拼音本、快字本(早期速记字)等众多译本,可以得到最好的印证。 本文从语言学分类入手,采用了叙事史的方法,对早期圣经汉译本史实、汉语方言汉字译本、汉语方言罗马字译本、西南少数民族语言文字的圣经译本进行了系统、实证的考查。以期说明以圣经中译为代表的西方文化进入中国后,引发了汉语言表达方式的变化,汉语言文字形式的增加,汉语语法结构的变化,少数民族文字的创制,汉字拉丁化形式的开始,汉语词语的丰富,翻译过程对传统旧有词汇的借用达到的新词语的产生,对现代汉语和西南少数民族的形成起到了一点借鉴和启示的作用。在外面文化主动撞击中国的过程中,对传统中国语言的现代转型起到了借鉴和启示作用。本文想要说明,在西方强势文化和中国本土弱势文化的所谓“东西方文化相遇”之时,弱势文化除了本能性的抵抗外,还有被迫的学习和转变,而这种被迫学习则为新转型提供了机遇、装备和能力,成为语言转型的借鉴和操作手段。 随着20世纪西方语言研究的转向和深入,语言不再被仅仅看作是一种交流沟通的工具,而更是一种认知方式、一种视界的深远图景。人类用语言给事物命名,通过语言的交流和定位来认识世界,每一种语言都凝结了这个民族在漫长历史进程中认识世界的经验和积累。从这种意义上讲,对另外一种语言的借用或转化就意味着吸收一种新的认知图景和知识体系,尤其是不同语系的语言的引入,则更是扩大和调整了认知的角度和思维方式。圣经中译本则含有这些性质和作用。 本文第一章《寻求语言文化的对等:圣经汉译早期历史实证》,主要考辨了天主教和基督教早期圣经翻译的史实,以及如何翻译所信仰的唯一尊神的中国名称的争论。明末清初年间,天主教再次来到中国,虽然没有完成第一本圣经全译本,但他们的圣经著述为以后的基督教圣经翻译打下了基础,尤其是圣经词语的基础。天主教白日升译本则成为基督教马礼逊译本和马士曼译本的严重依赖和参考的基础译本。还特别记述了天主教和基督教分别为表述唯一尊神的中国名称,进行了长达几个世纪争论的历史过程。经过天主教传教士们的努力,他们对中国社会、文化、语言的认知和能力都极大提高,才可能创造和建立有别于其他宗教、反映其本身特质、便于中国人理解和信仰的基督宗教语境和话语体系,才可能出现对基督教圣经翻译产生重大影响的白日升译本。通过对天主教白日升译本的修订、发展和整本圣经的翻译,马礼逊和马士曼两位基督教传教士开启了基督教汉语话语体系的创建之程。而这些历程体现了基督宗教在中国努力寻求语言文化对等的漫长过程,也是基督宗教在中国的本土化过程,也标志着基督宗教汉语话语体系建立。 第二章《书写白话:白话汉字圣经译本》,关注了中国历史上范围最大、数量最多的方言白话作品——方言圣经汉字本。中国是个多方言国家,差距之大,不能互通,为了满足各地不同方言语境下的基督徒需求,圣经方言译本乃应运而生。汉语7大方言中,有5大方言的9个分支、共13种方言有圣经汉字本,它们是吴方言太湖分支的上海话、苏州话、宁波话、杭州话;闽方言闽东分支的福州话,闽方言闽南分支的厦门话和汕头话;粤方言广府分支的广州话;客家方言粤台分支客话和粤北分支的三江话;官话方言江淮分支的南京话,官话方言北京分支北京话,官话方言西南分支汉口话。这些数量众多的方言圣经译本留下了中国历史上范围最大、文学表现形式多样的方言白话作品,长达百万字的圣经全译本则为今天留下了非常完整、成篇的方言研究语料。这些方言白话的作品也成为了清末白话文的最早实践者和先驱者之一。 第三章《汉语拼音文字之始:教会罗马字圣经译本》,考察了汉语拼音文字的开始——教会罗马字圣经译本的史实。为了让更多目不识丁的潜在基督教徒接触到上帝的福音,传教士采用罗马字母(拉丁字母)拼写当地方言,翻译出版了大量方言圣经。汉语7大方言系统中,有6大方言的15个分支有圣经罗马字本,它们是吴方言太湖分支的上海话、宁波话、杭州话、台州话,吴方言瓯江分支的温州话,吴方言婺州分支的金华话;赣方言抚州广昌分支的建宁话和邵武话;闽方言的闽东分支的福州话,闽方言莆仙分支的兴化话,闽方言闽南分支的厦门话和汕头话,闽方言闽北分支的建阳话,闽方言琼雷分支的海南话;粤方言广府分支的广州话;客家方言粤台分支客家话,客家方言不分片区的五经富话,客家方言汀州分支的汀州话;官话方言的江淮分支的南京话,官话方言胶辽分支的山东话。这些罗马字母同时成为一般不识字的民众用作通信、记账的文字符号,也为后来的民众教育家的注音或拼音文字运动,如何辨别标注汉字的读音,以及确立表达语音的符号上打下了坚固的基础,提供了一些成功的和失败的经验。 第四章《新词语与文化拓展:圣经新词语溯源与流布》,集中探究了译介异质文化的必要途径——新词语创建的历史过程。词汇是语言的基本三要素之一,基督宗教的神学和思想、历史主要是通过词汇来表达和传递的。基督宗教既然是一种外来宗教,它所带来的肯定是中国历史文化中没有的思想和概念,也就带来了中国没有的新词语。本章选择了耶稣基督、亚当夏娃、摩西、犹太人、耶路撒冷、伊甸园、十字架、福音、洗礼、先知、圣灵、天使、五旬节、安息日、阿们、弥赛亚、撒但等17个外来词,讨论了在千余年的10多种圣经译本中的译写演变,包括从唐景教译本、明末天主教译本、基督教深文理本、浅文理本、官话译本、华人圣经学者、天主教思高译本,以及被汉语世界所接受的过程。基督宗教词汇千余年来走过了一条由纷繁多种到逐渐统一的道路,最终形成了天主教和基督教为两大分类的结局,进入到中国世俗社会的基本上是基督教圣经词语。 第五章《欧化白话:中国现代白话的初始》,探讨了在西方翻译作品影响下,古白话开始走出自我发展状态,逐渐形成了以“欧化”为重要标志的现代白话。本章通过对以往学术界较少关注的、鲁迅称之为“白话马太福音体”的基督教传教士文献——北京官话圣经译本,从语法的角度来探讨汉语欧化白话的来源和产生的时间和原因,提出了欧化白话开始于1860年代的说法,将学术界对欧化白话开始的时间提早了40余年。在将印欧语言翻译成汉语白话的跨语言实践中,将印欧语中的一些语言形式向汉语“迁移”的实践,则有助于现代白话的形成,有助于“言文一致”追求中“语”向“文”的提升。 第六章《少数民族文字创制:西南少数民族圣经译本》,专述了西南少数民族语言文字的圣经译本。与北方少数民族不同,西南少数民族大多都仅有语言而没有自己的文字,传教士们利用自己拉丁母语的拼音优势,结合当地少数民族语言的发音,创制了景颇文、载瓦文、东傈僳文、西傈僳文、苗文、拉祜文、布依文、佤文等8种文字,结束了这些民族没有文字的历史,其中西傈僳文、柏格里苗文、景颇文、拉祜文、布依文、佤文至今仍然在使用。西南少数民族的圣经译本涉及了汉藏语系和南亚语系两个语系,其中汉藏语系有5个语支有圣经译本,即苗瑶语族苗语支,壮侗语族壮傣语支,藏缅语族彝语支、景颇语支、缅语支;南亚语系中孟高棉语族佤崩龙语支有圣经译本。新中国建立后,政府为西南地区少数民族创制了多种文字,这些新创制的文字全部都是基于发音的拉丁字母,传教士用拉丁字母为西南少数民族创制文字的方法,对新中国的民族识别和文字创制起到了相当大的启发和借鉴作用。...

【外文摘要】Bible is the world's largest circulation, most kinds of translation languages, its translation has been more than 2287 different languages. In Chinese history, Bible has most translation versions, most Chinese word forms, most local dialect versions, and vernacular and classical Chinese style at the same time. It has created nearly 10 ethnic minority languages, and published nearly 20 kinds of minority language versions. It also was the largest circulation in modern China. Chinese translation of the Bible does have many of these" most" of the Chinese history, it is related with the text reform and cultural transformation. Chinese translation of the Bible is the most prosperous period of the late Qing Dynasty and active, namely 1860 's to 1930's, is the Chinese language is the most intense period, it is Chinese ancient Chinese and its culture to the vernacular Chinese transformation period, it is Chinese Latin-based wide for voices and hard practice period, is the language reform the most active period. Chinese language transition and reform, there appeared many kinds of transitional style of writing, for language reform and stylistic changes, and some are even very short transitional style of writing, the Bible had this text published version. From the Chinese translation of the Bible with classical Chinese, half literary and half vernacular dialects, dialect, Chinese characters, missionary roman character, Wang Chao-Peill phonetic script, national phonetic script, C, a variety of minority languages, the Braille characters, Wade-Giles words, fast word(early shorthand words) and etc, you can get the best confirm. From the linguistic classification, adopting the method of narrative history, the paper has tested early Chinese Bible translation history, Chinese dialects in Chinese characters, Chinese dialect in roman words, minority languages Bible translations in southwest China, in order to illustrate Chinese expression of language change, language form, the change in grammar structure, minority language creation, Chinese in Latin form, the rich of Chinese new words after the western culture into China. To illustrate, in the encounters of East-West culture, besides the instinctive resistance, weak east culture was forced to learn and change, and this forced learning provides opportunities and equipment for the new transition. The first chapter of this paper is about seeking the language cultural equivalence, a historical examination of the early Chinese Bible versions, and the debate of how to translate the God into Chinese. The second chapter of the paper focuses on the Bible versions in dialect Chinese character. Among so many dialects, there are 13 kinds of Chinese character dialect Bible versions, which were one of the earliest pioneers and the practitioners of the vernacular in late Qing dynasty. The third chapter is about the beginning history of the Bible of national phonetic alphabet, the missionary roman character, the Wang Chao-Peill Phonetic script. There are 20 kinds of roman letters dialect Bible versions, which laid a solid foundation for how to make the pronunciation of Chinese characters and the mass education. The fourth chapter is about the new word and the cultural development, the origin and distribution of Bible new word. It focuses the creation historical process of Bible’s new words and expressions, the necessity of culture translation. It chose 17 new Chinese translation words, including the Jesus Christ, Adam, Eva, Mose, Jews, Jerusalem, Eden, cross, gospel, baptism, prophet, the Holy Spirit, angel, Pentecost, Sabbath, Amen, Messiah, Satan, in different Bible versions from Tang dynasty to modern times, and the acceptance process by the Chinese world. The fifth chapter is about Europeanization vernacular: the initial of vernacular Chinese, discussing under the influence of the western translation, ancient vernacular began to walk out of the self-development status, Gradually formed a " Europeanization vernacular " as an important sign of modern vernacular. The sixth chapter is about minority Bible translations in Southwest China. Most minorities in southwest China only have oral but no word and text. The missionaries took advantage of their mother Latin tongue, combining with the local minority language pronunciation, created Jingpo, Zaiwa, Eastern Lisu, Western Lisu, Miao words. The way of missionaries creating words for minorities in southwest by the Latin alphabet has played a considerable inspiration and reference for the minorities text creation in new China....

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