首页>学位论文>  客家元素在现代舞蹈的应用:以光环舞集为例


作者:戴惠婷 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】Application of Hakka Elements in Modern Dance-Case Study: Taipei Dance Circle

【作者】 戴惠婷

【关键词】 惯习 现代舞蹈 客家元素 光环舞集

【外文关键词】 habitus Modern dance Hakka Element Taipei Dance Circle







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【外文摘要】The art of modern dance performance has become very diverse in creation. However, the concept of Hakka dance has still been quite controversial and confusing to the academia and the fields of dance arts. General public and dance performers still view Hakka dance as simply tea-plucking dances. In view of the diversities of modern dance and the application of Hakka elements, Taipei Dance Circle was established over 25 years. The art director, Liou Show-lu was awarded with Hakka Contribution Award in the year of 2007. Based on this fact, this research uses Taipei Dance Circle as an example to analyze the creation methods of Hakka dance to provide recommendations and suggestions to the dance performers and practitioners. This study mainly used qualitative research methods. Through literature review, we analyzed and studied the Hakka elements in the material and spiritual aspects in the process of creating Hakka dance. There are a total of 11 indicators in these two aspects. In addition, a collection of dance performances from Taipei Dance Circle was analyzed in five facets, including the performance of the dance theme, body movements, stage designs, costume types, and the characteristics of the music. Our main objective is to understand the relationship between habitus of the dance choreographers and creation of the Hakka dance through in-depth interviews with the choreographers and dancers, the literature data analysis, personal participation and observation of the live performances, analysis of dance performances recorded in the DVDs. The quantitative research method was served as a complementary in this research. It involved well-designed questionaries, filled out by the audience and dance teachers. Moreover, the survey was done from the viewpoint of dance choreographers, dancers, audience, and dance teachers. Our study found that Hakka dance, choreographed by Taipei Dance Circle is very innovative in the aspect of body movements. From the material aspect, clothing and utensils are used extensively. In terms of spiritual aspect, the Hakka music is relied on the most and the Hakka lifestyle comes in second. Finally, in terms of definition, many Hakka dance teachers think that "Hakka dance" should be replaced by the more appropriate terms, "Hakka dance creation."...

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