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作者:徐泛平 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】Comparative Study of a Hakka dialect in Wuhua, Guangdong

【作者】 徐泛平

【关键词】 五华 客家话 音韵 方言比较

【外文关键词】 phonology comparative dialectology Hakka dialect Wuhua







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【摘要】結果頗有所獲,五華話除具備客家方言共通特點之外,尚可歸納出四大音韻特色:(1)聲母中的兩波捲舌化運動 (2) 韻母中i、u元音的轉換關係 (3) 後字變調 (4) 「濁去歸上」的調類歸併。針對特別的語音現象,我們運用「平行關係、兩兩對比」的概念進行比較分析。然這些音韻特點於五華話內部並非一致,因此根據比較結果,我們將五華話粗分南北二片。台灣五華客來自於五華南片的安流、梅林,其音韻表現於聲調方面與原鄉相去不遠,聲母次之,韻母則變異最多,趨同於鄰近的台灣四縣、海陸客家話。詞彙的變異程度尤甚於音韻,於名詞仔尾及分類詞彙皆可見差別。五華客在台灣由於呈現散居分佈,在語言特色的保留上相對困難,易於向相對優勢語言靠攏。兩岸五華話詞彙比較過程中,意外的收穫在於方言分片與分區上。內部而言,五華話詞彙呈現東西之分,異於音韻上的南北之別;就外部來看,五華話詞彙處於山海之界,也處於粵東與粵中之間。在方言地理的分區上,五華話顯然有其過渡性。而有趣的是,相對於此的內部演變,五華話亦常呈現中間階段(如第三章所論)。於內於外,五華話都有其特殊性。...

【外文摘要】Some phonological phenomena in Wuhua( ), a Hakka dialect in Guangdong province, draw our attention retroflexed initials in Zhi( ) series, Xiao( )group, as well as part of Xi( ), poor usage of medials in Grade III and closed rhymes, Shang tone( ) in ancient Qu( ) with voiced initials, and latter-word tone sandhi. These arouse our interest in deeper investigation of this dialect. So starts this research.We focus mainly on phonology. In Chapter 2 and 3, we discussed the phonology of Wuhua dialect,separately from synchronic and diachronic point of view. The outcome seems like a plentiful harvest. Wuhua dialect owns all common characteristics of Hakka dialect basically, and beyond that, it has another four distinguished phonological features in initials, finals, and tones. However, all phonological characteristics are not consistent from place to place in Wuhua. Roughly, in consequence, there should be a south-north separation in it.Taiwan as well abides Wuhua people who came from south Wuhua in Qing dynasty. The data got in Guangdong serves as a comparison to Wuhua dialect in Taiwan. We find that Taiwan Wuhua has changed much in initials, finals, and lexicons, possessing much similarity with neighboring Sixian( ) and Hailu( ). Only tones conserve as in Guangdong. Languages tend to assimilate with authoritative ones, and we see this in Wuhua dialect of Taiwan.One thing unexpected is seen when talking about lexical differences in Chapter 5. We found that lexically it shows east-west separation in Wuhua, which is quite different from the phonological point of view. And outwardly, lexicons in Wuhua show that Wuhua dialect is on the diaglossia that separates east and middle Guandong, and that distinguishes coast-side dialects from inland ones.Wuhua dialect is transitional; no matter we see it historically(as discussed in Chapter3) or geographically....

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