首页>学位论文>  永定新旧移民之客家话比较:以杨梅镇秀才窝与蘆竹乡羊稠村为例


作者:徐雨薇 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】The Comparison of the Yongding Hakka Dialect between the Old and the New Immigrants---A Case Study of the Hsiu-tsai-wo at Yangmei Township and Yang-chou Village at Luchu Township

【作者】 徐雨薇

【关键词】 羊稠村 新移民 秀才窝 永定 客家话

【外文关键词】 Yongding Hakka dialect immigrants Hsiu tsai wo Yang chou village







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】This thesis is going to set the main focus on the Yongding( ) Hakka dialect in Taiwan, since there are few researches about it. We will focus on two places, Hsiu-tsai-wo( ) and Yang-chou village( ), while the people in the former came to Taiwan earlier than those in the later place for about two hundred years. We will compare the Yongding Hakka dialect between the new and the old immigrants.The thesis aims to analyze the difference in the same Hakka sub-dialect caused by the different immigration time to Taiwan, and therefore the differences make their diversedevelopments in pronunciation and vocabulary.The first chapter is the introduction to the exploration of the research motive and objective, and also of the review of documents. The second chapter will clarifythe Yongding Hakka dialect pronunciation system of the old immigrants in Hsiu-tsai-wo and the new ones in Yang-chou village. In the third chapter, we willcompare the Yongding Hakka dialect of our research subject with the Ancient Chinese. In the following chapter, we will explore the pronunciation features of the YongdingHakka dialect of the old and the new immigrants from three parts: the initials( ), the finals( ), and the tones( ). In the fifth chapter, we will emphasize on the different phonological system of the old and the new immigrants. The discussion will include: how the pronunciation parts and ways of the initials influence theperformance of the finals, the incorporation types of different initial consonant system, and the interflow and parallel phenomena of different rhymes( ) and rhyme groups( ). The sixth chapter is the comparison of the Yongding Hakka dialect vocabulary of the old and the new immigrants. In the conclusion, we will coordinate theresearch achievements and its deficiency.Hsiu-tsai-wo and Yang-chou village are the two undiscovered site of the Yongding Hakka dialect. The research emphasis of the two places aims to broadennew territory of the Hakka dialect research. Moreover, nowadays the researches about the new immigrants in Taiwan mostly focus on Southeast Asia immigrant women who came alone to Taiwan as brides. There are less emphasis on immigrant families from mainland China like those in Yang-chou village. With regards to the research object of the new immigrants, we neglect the Hakka dialect ones who are Tong-san Gong( ) and Tong-san Ma( 嫲), the first generation of the immigrants from mainland China to Taiwan. As for the research domain of the new immigrants, we stress much on cultural aspect without deep exploration in linguistic analysis. In the case of the linguistic research, experts in Taiwan have not payed close attention to the language of the new immigrants. Therefore, this thesis means to unfold the research focuses on the new immigrants in Taiwan and as well to emphasize the linguistic features to different subjects and dimensions....

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