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作者:廖致苡 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:27

【外文题名】Hakka and Amis language contact in Hualien

【作者】 廖致苡

【关键词】 语言态度 南岛语 阿美语 客家语 语言接触 共通语

【外文关键词】 Austronesian language language attitude Lingua Francas Amis language Hakka language language contact







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】In Hualien, it has been a long time since Hakka and Amis people live together and intermarriage with each other. Part of the Hakka can speak the language of Amis, and vice versa, so that we have interest in exploring the contact between both language. In this research, we termed Amis language spoken by Hakka people Hakka-Amis , and Amis-Hakka , Hakka spoken by Amis.Phonologically, Amis-Hakka has three main distinct variation: First, due to the feature that there is no aspirate in Austronesian languages, (Amis is one of which), Amis adjust /ts /, /p /, /t /, /k / to be /ts/, /p/, /t/, /k/ when they speak Hakka. Second, mixed usage of the ending in Amis-Hakka , /-p/ /-t/ /-k/ confusion for example. Third, Amis-Hakka in a sense combines two Hakka sub-dialects: Sisien and Hailu. On the other hand, Hakka-Amis has substitutions for the special consonants in Amis: /l/ for the flap /?/ and /l?(which sounds like le or la in Mandarin Chinese) for/-?/.As to lexicon, there are two Amis words in Hualien Hakka language as we examined. Amis [tam?au], which indicates human is used both in Sisen and Hailu, and the meaning is extended to friends . In Amis, no explicit loan word is discovered in this research, only that there are some potential loan words similar in sounds to Hakka.In fact, according to the result of our research, Hakka and Amis have no strong influence on each other, and language attitude in Chapter 5 explains why. Lingua Franca and the social status of both peoples are two factors that forms different language attitude which results in little influence between the two languages.Authoritative Mandarin Chinese and Min dialect (so-called Taiwanese ) become much more popular in Hualien; on the contrast, languages of Hakka and Amis are nearly endangered. Hakka and Amis have a hard time protecting their mother language, not to say Amis-Hakka and Hakka-Amis , which are second language separately to Amis and Hakka. Consequently, seldom phenomenon of language contact is seen. Nevertheless, this research aims to provide a complete record of Amis-Hakka and Hakka-Amis , expecting to be an important document showing the evidence of language contact in Hualien....

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