首页>学位论文>  学童氟化物使用及口腔保健行为现况之相关因素探讨-以台湾地区


作者:孙曼漪 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:3

【外文题名】Investigation of the Fluoride Usage and Oral Health Behavior in Elementary School Children-the Nutrion and Health Survey in Taiwan 2001-2002

【作者】 孙曼漪

【关键词】 口腔保健 氟化物使用 洁牙习惯

【外文关键词】 Fluoride Usage Oral Health







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研究方法以2001-2002年台灣地區國小學童營養健康狀況調查為例,以在台灣地區具有中華民國國籍且有正式學籍、年齡6-13歲之學生為對象,將全臺灣地區,分為北中南三個地區,再加上加4個特殊族群及地理位置偏遠的山地、東部、離島澎湖,及客家族群總共十三層,共359個鄉鎮區,以等比隨機(pps)的方法抽出104 個學校、2496學生,針對學童潔牙及含氟漱口水使用現況,來調查全國國小學童目前口腔保健潔牙行為與習慣之概況,並藉此探討氟化物使用之相關因素。
研究結果共有2405名學童完成問卷調查,完訪率為96.35%;依本此次研究的結果顯示:整體而言,有12.09%(291人)有過塗氟或氟錠經驗:其中有塗氟經驗者有10.2%,不記得者佔0.28%,不知道什麼是塗氟的有11.59%。有吃過氟錠者有3.16%,沒有86.75%,不知道什麼是氟錠者尚有9.91%。大部分學童對含氟牙膏並不陌生,使用比率有88.58%;至於含氟漱口水則由於學校推行,有高達85.17%的使用比率,直到2002年使用學期數以1-2學期( 28.29% )及 4-5學期(10.26%)最多。至於潔牙狀況,則發現學童餐後就刷牙的態度不積極,每天早晚加餐後都刷牙的比率只有19.48%,衛教尚需加強;如一般國人習慣,大部分男女學童均無餐後刷牙習慣,只在早晚刷牙者最多,佔43.49%,甚至只在早起時刷ㄧ次者還高居15.21%,顯示國小學童餐後潔牙的衛生習慣尚待加強,口腔保健衛教尚需加強。
1) 沒有塗氟或吃氟錠經驗的男學童為88.41%(n=1108)、女學童97.37%(N=1006),學童塗氟或吃氟錠的經驗與父母教育程度呈正相關,在族群及地區層,都有顯著差異(p<0.0001),以北部第二層21.77%較高,其次為南部第一層19.13%,因此其它地區可加強氟化物的推廣。2)學童目前餐後潔牙的衛生習慣仍需加強,沒餐後潔牙習慣的男學童有98.23%,女學童為97.48%,顯示潔牙的衛生習慣也有待改善。3) 學童重複使用氟化物2種以上者有10.90%;氟化物為人類對抗龋齒最有效的元素之一,但應適當使用,以避免氟班齒產生的機會。4)作為社區的公共衛生政策要考慮多面向,包括群眾教育、知識整合。...

【外文摘要】In Taiwan people’s attitude towards health is oriented mainly toward systemic disease while oral health is mostly neglected. In recent years, the Taiwan Dental Association and the Education Ministry have collaboratively put effort into public school oral health promotion, including a “Brush-Teeth-After-Meals” program, and training oral-health-promoting dentists. Since 2002 they have promoted the “Fluoride Mouth rinse” program in elementary school nationwide. As a result of these actions, people have paid more attention to oral health; nonetheless, people remain unfamiliar with utilizing fluoride products. In Taiwan there is little research in this field; thus, it is vital to understand the oral health behavior of school children.
The purposes of this investigation are 1) to grasp correctly the current situation of fluoride utilization among school children, 2) to assess oral hygiene behavior (brushing teeth after meals), and 3) to investigate the association between socio-demographic factors and fluoride usage as well as oral hygiene.
The survey data of the Elementary School children’s Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan 2001-2002 was used for this study. The participants were students aged 6-13 who posed Taiwan nationality and were registered in schools. Taiwan was stratified into north, centre, and southern districts. In addition, four more groups were composed of minority populations and far rural areas. Using a stratified cluster random sampling design with selection probability proportional to size (PPS), 104 schools and 2496 students were selected to investigate the oral hygiene habits and fluoride usage conditions.
In total, there were 2,405 school children accounted for in this investigation. The results showed that most children had no experience in using fluoride varnish or tablets. Only12.09% had fluoride usage experiences. Among these, 10.20% had experience in fluoride varnish, while 11.59% were not acquainted fluoride varnish. The usage rate of fluoride tablets was 3.16%. Nonetheless, 9.91% were not acquainted with fluoride tablets. A majority of them were acquainted with fluoride toothpaste, of which the rate of use was 88.58%. Since schools actively promote fluoride mouth rinsing programs, their rate of use was 85.17%. At most, it was continued for 1-2 semesters (28.29%), and 4-5 semesters (10.26%), up to year 2002, A majority of children did not have the habit of brushing their teeth after a meal. Only 19.18% of the children brushed their teeth after meals, as well as mornings and evenings. The majority, however, did not brush their teeth after meals. There were 15.21% only brush their teeth in the morning. This implied that oral health promotion has yet to achieve much improvement.
In conclusion:1) A student’s fluoride usage experience was directly proportional to the parent’s level of education. There was significant variation (p <0.001) among the districts. 2) Their oral hygiene habits are not adequate and therefore need improvement. 98.23% male students and 97.45% female students do not brush their teeth after meals). 3) There were 10.90% students using 2 or more of fluoride products; Fluoride is an effective factor in preventing cavities and needs to be utilized appropriately. 4) School-based oral health promotion programs can be effective, but must be more comprehensive....

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