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作者:林樱蕙 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:9

【外文题名】The Expressing-form Research of Modern Hakka Poetries

【作者】 林樱蕙

【关键词】 现代客语诗 客家文学 客家文化

【外文关键词】 modern Hakka poetries Hakka literatures Hakka culture







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】This thesis will mainly use the expressing forms of modern Hakka poetries as the research target and its analysis with the perspectives of Hakka history, societies, languages, cultures and spirits. First of all, it will explore the sequences and resources that how modern Hakka poetries inherited Hakka mountain folksongs and absorbed their nutrient. Secondly, it will analyze and discuss the influences of modern western theory schools to modern Hakka poetries. At last, while appreciating the artistry, it will simultaneously stand out the importance of modern Hakka poetries in Hakka literatures and their un-replaceable characteristic. This thesis will conduct its discussion in different 8 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, first briefly describing the subjective and objective research motives and purposes of this thesis, then it will discuss the present condition of the research and material-selecting principles for the modern Hakka poetries and lastly it will explain with the research methods used by this thesis. Chapter two is about the modern Hakka poetries in Hakka literatures. At first, it will define the meanings and scopes of Hakka literature, next generalizing the resources of modern Hakka poetries and unifying the names for all the diverse addresses, and finally it will introduce the famous representative authors and their works. Chapter three is about “ the directions of selecting the materials for creating modern Hakka poetries,” which will discuss the Hakka poets’ motives to create works by using living conditions and styles, the emotions and feelings of old and present Hakka as the basis and the spiritual culture of re-constructing the races as the expressing methods. Chapter four is about “the mixture of mother-tongue vocabularies in modern Hakka poetries.” It will observe the un-replaceable characteristic of modern Hakka poetries with the perspective of word interpretations and unique mother-tongue vocabularies, pondering about the difficulties to put mother tongue into written words and the resolution for this issue. Chapter five is about “the features of musical melodies of modern Hakka poetries.” It will make a thorough inquiry about how modern Hakka poetries show their unique music and melody characteristics in these technical aspects; such as, rhetoric skills, natural tones, sentence format changes, switching scenes and imaginations, and so on. Chapter six is about “the expression of the sentence structures of modern Hakka poetries.” It will discuss the phrase structures and sentence form structures in modern Hakka poetries, including the meanings that are presented when words and sequences oppose as well as verbs and adjectives are repeated. Moreover, regarding the part of inheriting the rhythmic styles of mountain folksongs music, the differences there are in the new and the old. Chapter seven is about “ the method used in describing-events skills of modern Hakka poetries;” using the standpoint of realism to observe the performances of describing-events skills of modern Hakka poetries on image/portraying, sincerity/details, elaborations/spreads, concerns/ thoughts and so on. Chapter eight is the conclusion, which generalizes the previous discussions and concludes the values of modern Hakka poetries in cultures, societies, languages, literatures and educations. Moreover, it will share the research results and wishes of the author....

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