首页>学位论文>  从山野到大庭广众:长汀客家山歌的传承与地方知识


作者:王维娜 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】From Villages TO Public:the Inherted and local knowledge of Hakka Folk Song in Changting

【作者】 王维娜

【关键词】 客家山歌 地方知识 文化生态

【外文关键词】 Hakka Folk Song ecological culture the local domain knowledge







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接

【摘要】,在此基础上对本文的研究对象进行界定和说明,并介绍了本文所所用材料、研究方法、调查地点和调查对象。第一章在于呈现长汀的历史和自然环境以及长汀当地民众自己对于山歌的分类标准和分类体系,文中,详细列举并解释了各类山歌的概念、涵义和演唱内容。 第二部分,包括本文第二、三、四章。第二章和第三章从历时性角度分析从传统到现代,长汀客家山歌文化生态和演唱空间所发生的变化。指出:传统时期,长汀当地多山的自然环境、传统劳作方式——砍柴、挑担和做土纸,与传统婚姻家庭关系构成长汀客家山歌传承的文化生态。此时,“山歌只能山里唱”,它的演唱空间被严格的限制在远离城镇和村庄的山野间。1949年后,随着各项新的经济、文化、教育和婚姻政策在全国普遍实施,传统时期长汀客家山歌与文化生态结成的生态链条出现断裂,此时,山歌演唱空间并未改变。在20世纪末,随着现代化民族国家的建设以及改革开放的不断深入,长汀当地民众的生产生活方式和思想观念发生改变,他们打破“山歌只能山里唱”的传统观念,山歌演唱开始在大庭广众的公园中进行。第四章使用表演理论,以长汀城关龙潭公园山歌场为调查点,将山歌演唱置入具体的演唱语境,在唱山歌的现场理解歌手与歌手之间的选择、歌手与听众的互动以及歌手自身需要突破的束缚三个问题。 第三部分,包括本文第五、六两章。该部分主要从共时性角度分析长汀客家山歌的地方知识体系。第五章详细地分析和解释长汀当地人有关山歌演唱的地方性语汇,在此基础上分析长汀客家山歌演唱的套路、山歌的情感主题以及歌手演唱优劣的评价标准。并按照这套地方性知识体系,对目前长汀两代山歌手的演唱技巧进行对比。第六章则重点在于分析优秀的山歌手成长的过程,指出:山歌手是在具有山歌演唱传统的文化生态环境中,经过从小耳濡目染,有意识的参与山歌演唱,发挥个人才华,通过不断地听、记、想、唱等山歌实践,最终成为一名优秀的山歌手。 第四部分为结语和余论。对全文进行总结,并思考长汀客家山歌的传承问题。...

【外文摘要】This thesis researches on Hakka Folk Song of Changting(CHFS) in western Fujian from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives. The thesis is made up of six parts of test,preface and concluding section. It is departed four parts. The first part, including prolegomenon and the first chapter, introduces not only Changting natural environment and local Hakka Folk Song classifications, but also the origin of the topic, the aim of the thesis and research methods. The second part, covering the second, the third and the forth chapters, focus on the ecological culture and living space of the CHFS. Traditionally, the living spaces are remote towns and villages. The traditional ecological culture is composed of natural mountainous environment, traditional working methods (chopping wood, carrying loads and papermaking ) and conventional Marriage and Family Relation. After founding of the P.R.C, the traditional ecological culture changed along with application of the new economic, cultural and educational policies. At the end of the last century, with the development of reform and opening-up, people changed their traditional view that the folk song is only sung in mountains was broken. As a result, the living spaces of the CHFS become to expand. Taking Changting longtan Park(龙潭公园) as an example, the forth chapter explores the present singers’ criteria of fellows’ selection, the interactions with audience and the singing restrictions. The third part including the fifth and the sixth chapters analyses the local domain knowledge of the CHFS from synchronic perspective. Based on the local dialect explanations, the fifth chapter not only figures out the style forms and the topics of the CHFS, but also compares the two generations singing techniques. The sixth chapter analyses how can be an excellent singer. Generally, they are imperceptibly influenced by what they constantly see and hear when they are children. In addition, they practice again and again by listening, remembering, thinking and singing with their talent. The conclusion section concludes the whole thesis.  ...

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