首页>学位论文>  自信心对梅州客家大学生口语的影响


作者:张筠 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】The Influence of Self-confidence on the Oral Proficiency of Hakka Students in Meizhou

【作者】 张筠

【关键词】 自信心 口语 测验 相关

【外文关键词】 Self confidence Oral proficiency Test Correlation







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【摘要】是否关注学生的情感因素影响着学生的语言学习能力。情感因素在外语学习和教学过程中起着关键的作用。 外语教学中对情感因素的关注可以提高语言学习的效果。由于传统教育观念的影响,注重外语读写的能力发展理念一直在外语教学中占有主导地位。我国的英语教学者经常忽略学习者情感因素培养,导致英语教学效率低下。 本文研究了学习者的自信心对学习外语的影响。调查对象为嘉应大学非英语专业物理系二年级的62名学生。论文中的有关沉默的问卷参考了Cortzzi & Jin的设计,并根据现实情况进行了适度修改,用以探讨学生在英语课堂教学中沉默的主要原因。然后在课堂上进行了带有量化表的听力测试。最后在实验室进行了口头测试。本文运用SPSS对相关数据进行分析,探讨了学生自信心和口语水平的相关作用。研究结果表明,自信心与口头能力呈正相关(r= 0.801),情感因素影响学生的语言输出能力。用于分析而收集到的这些数据帮助我们对外语学习的本质有了更加深入的认识。最后论文对分析结果与学习者的信心和他们的外语学习进行了讨论。...

【外文摘要】Stevick (1976) and Krashen (1981) have discovered that affective factors play a significant role in learning process since the development of humanism in the 1960s. On the basis of these findings, Elaine et al (1989) and Schinke-liano et al (1993) found that affective factors play a critical role in foreign language learning and teaching process and attention to affective factors can improve students’ language proficiency. It is therefore necessary for both teachers and students to pay attention to affective factors. Affective factors play an important role in developing students’ language skills. It is well known that there are four basic language skills, and oral skill is often problematic for Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Self-confidence, as an important affective factor, positively reinforces learners’ oral proficiency. When the students start college education, their ability to speak English varies a lot from students who are reluctant to say anything to those who can make themselves fully understood and even appear to think in English. This variety of level may be the result of many previous inputs including opportunities for speaking, correction techniques, level of linguistic ability of teachers, teaching methods, confidence, exposure to the spoken word by native speakers, etc.. This dissertation investigated the effect of learners’ self-confidence in their oral proficiency in a second language (L2) through an investigation conducted with the non-English sophomores from the Physics Department at Jiaying University. This investigation involved 62 students who completed three different tasks. A questionnaire proposed by Cortzzi & Jin (1996 cited in Zhang Yanling et al. 2006) was adapted to be used in this study to collect data to help clarify the main cause for students’ poor response in English classes, and a listening test with a five-point scale (ranging from ‘completely sure’ to ‘completely unsure’) was given to the students in classrooms and an oral test was arranged for the students in laboratory settings. A model was created based on the hypothesis that self-confidence results in better oral performance in the L2 learning. SPSS was employed in order to examine the interrelations between the oral scores and the confidence index, and between the oral scores and the listening scores. The findings suggested that learners’ self-confidence was positively correlated with their oral proficiency(r= 0.801). The magnitude of the correlations indicated that affective factors affect students' output in their narrative tasks. Analysis of the data collected in this study provided insights into the nature of the L2 learning. Implications of the findings were discussed with respect to learners’ self-confidence and their L2 learning.  ...

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