首页>学位论文>  從社會語言學看台灣的方言使用情形(並與日本比較)


作者:太田智惠 日期:1992.01.01 点击数:84

【外文题名】A Socio-Linguistic Study of The Status of Dialects in Taiwan

【作者】 太田智惠

【关键词】 社會語言學 台灣的方言 閩南語 台灣話 問卷調查 日本方言 族群 標準語

【外文关键词】 socio linguistic Taiwanese dialects Minnanese Taiwanese questionnaire Japanese dialects ethnicity standard language







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【摘要】言最主要是因為地區的不同而不同,而在台灣,最主要是因為族群的不同而分類,最普通的分類為北京語?閩南語?客家語?原住民族語言等,這跟台灣的歷史有很深的關係。 全文共分八章。在第一章敘述論文主旨後,在第二章描述所謂「台灣話」(亦即閩南語)的定位。第三章主要是敘述台灣話跟歷史?政治的關係,而後半段討論的是現在的台灣話教育。 實質上和社會語言學有關係的是從第四章開始。第四章對都市語言和鄉下語言的印象做比較,並討論媒體對語言的影響及方言的使用度和流失情況。第五章是根據年齡?性別?出生地以及族群等因素來考察使用方言的情況。而第六章是說明方言和標準語在公?私場合上如何分別使用。 第七章是問卷調查的描述,就是為了更詳細的了解前面各章所觀察的現象而做的調查。這一章可以說是這一篇論文的中心,就是筆者最想強調的地方。7-1列出依照「族群」「年齡」「性別」「出生地」「使用場所」「使用的對方」等社會變數而做的問卷調查和統計數字。7-2是根據調查的結果所做的分析。問卷調查的統計另外做成圖表列在卷末作為附錄。 第八章是論文總結。蓋言之,無論在日本或在台灣,方言都是出生及成長在相同土地的人相互間用以傳達喜怒哀樂等情感的溫馨語言。尤其是在台灣,透過這一次的問卷調查了解到:對於國語的評價是理智的,但對於台灣話的評價則是情感的。...

【外文摘要】A Socio-Linguistic Study of The Status of Dialects in Taiwan (Compared with Japan) This thesis studies the problems of dialects in Taiwan and compares the matter with that in Japan, in particular. In each of these two geographically different areas, under what circumstances are dialects used? How do the circumstances differ compared with those for the standard language? The differences are studied according to social factors including situation, geographical area, age, sex, ethnicity, among others. Then a poll is taken for better understanding. In Japan, dialects are primarily geographical but, in Taiwan, dialects are generally classified by ethnicity -- into Mandarin, Minnanese, Hakka, and the aboriginal languages — due mainly to historical backgrounds. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. After the general objective is explained in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 defines the name ‘Taiwanese’ (that is, Minnanese), followed by an account in Chapter 3 of the historical and political backgrounds of Taiwanese, with an observation in the latter part there of how Taiwanese is being taught now. Chapter 4 is essentially the first chapter for socio-linguistic observations. It compares urban and rural dialects, discusses effects of news media, and considers matters about dialect prevalence and dialect loss. Then Chapter 5 considers the relationship of age, birthplace, sex, ethnicity, etc., with dialect use, and Chapter 6 discusses the problem of diglossia, or how speakers alternate between the standard language and a dialect. Chapter 7 presents results of a poll taken to better understand what have been observed in the preceding chapters, and may be said to be the centerpiece of the thesis. It lists in 7-1 the statistics from the poll based on social factors such as ethnicity, age, sex, birthplace, situation, partner, etc., and analyzes these results in 7-2. The results are also given as charts in the appendices at the end of the thesis. Chapter 8 summarizes the findings. In short, dialects are a warm means of sharing feelings of joy and anger in both Japan and Taiwan. But in Taiwan, in particular, it is found through the poll taken this time that, while Mandarin is associated more with reason, Taiwanese is associated more with feeling....

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