首页>学位论文>  客家“二次葬”习俗及其象征意义分析


作者:陈永钊 日期:2003.01.01 点击数:27

【作者】 陈永钊

【关键词】 客家 民俗 二次葬 象征意义







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Hakka is a special branch of Han Nationality. Regarding the custom of “Secondary Burial” in Hakka area as the object, this thesis describes its concrete folk items, analyzes the reasons of its creation and spreading widely, and analyzes the symbols in this custom and their cultural meanings. The thesis considers that the basic reason of the custom’s creation and spreading widely is the Hakkas’ migration in history and thereout generated notion of filial piety. The conflict and integration between cultures and the popularity of geomancy notion are the important reasons, and the influences of environment is the realistic reason. Being a kind of life transition rite, the custom of “Secondary Burial” concentrates the Hakkas’ notion of ancestry adoration, the notion of filial piety, and the thick life consciousness....

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