首页>学位论文>  平远北部客家经济文化类型初探


作者:田东江 日期:1992.01.01 点击数:12

【作者】 田东江

【关键词】 平远北部客家经济文化类型初探








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【外文摘要】  This thesis analyses by the theory of Economical and cultural Model (E.C.M) the feature of economy and culture in Hakkas in the northern areas of Pingyuan county, Guangdong provinoe. It is an attempt to use the theory to study individual.By the tradition, PingYuan’s Model belonged to the “Model of ploughing and hunting in Mountains” consent to this. But I don’t agree the conclusion about the Model’s characters. I consider that PingYuan’s was the result of combining higher civilization in central plains and ecology in mountains. The model is unique. I have divided the Model’s structure-ecology basis, living pattern, social organization and ideology etc, and I summarized the characters of the PingYuan’s Meanwhile, I have discussed the E.C.M. The last I point out the purpose of the study is that it can provide therical basis for government working out plans....

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