首页>学位论文>  台湾客家运动之未来方程式:形成与发展(1987-2012)


作者:叶德圣 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:9

【外文题名】The Formation, the Development and the Prospect of the Taiwan Hakka Movement(1987-2012)

【作者】 叶德圣

【关键词】 台湾客家运动 《客家风云》杂志 还我母语运动 政治过程论

【外文关键词】 Hakka Movement in Taiwan Hakka Affairs Monthly Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign Political Process Model







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【摘要】言的不平等和客家族群地位的邊陲化,讓客家族群早已積壓許多的不滿,1980年代由於當時外在壓迫性體制轉變,政治情勢從戒嚴轉為解嚴,客家草根性組織如客家風雲雜誌社等大力推動下,客家意識也被建構起來,因而對當權者發出挑戰,藉著客家運動爭取母語的教育、傳播權,進而啟發客家人的認同和爭取應有之權益。     在臺灣客家運動的發展上,本研究採取三階段的分期法,分別是發端期(1987-1989年)、集結期(1990-1999年)以及制度化期(2000年-現今)。發端期的重點就是以1987年《客家風雲》雜誌創辦和1988年「還我母語運動」為主;集結期則是經過1989年後的運動能力衰退後,1990年《客家風雲》雜誌改組為《客家》雜誌、1990年「臺灣客協」的成立帶來一波運動高潮,1994-1995年「寶島客家電台」抄臺風波,把動員力量再掀高潮;制度化期主要在2000年以後,包括客家委員會的成立、臺北市政府客家事務委員會的成立、客家電視頻道的設立、客家知識體系的建構以及制定客家基本法,都是進入制度化期後的成果。   另外,目前臺灣客家運動在進入制度化後未來的發展為:(一)臺灣客家運動、客家政策與客家研究應朝向「三合一」的發展;(二)客家研究方面:致力「客家研究」朝向「客家學」發展;(三)客語推廣和文化傳承方面:如何增加它的市場價值?(四)客家認同和想像方面:客家族群世代間的差異須調適;(五)臺灣客家運動存在與否方面:目前運動呈現消退趨勢,未來須朝向強化監督之責;(六)客家事務執行成效方面:過去客家運動訴求大致雖達到,但仍有許多進步空間;(七)保存客語和客家文化方面:成立客家自治區?(八)未來的族群關係方面:相互競爭且相互尊重的弔詭關係(九)臺灣客家運動方面:朝向客家文藝復興或文化自覺運動。...

【外文摘要】This study discusses the formation and development of the Hakka movement in Taiwan by exploring the basic meanings and definitions of social movements in Western social movement theory, social movements in the course of development, as well as the relationship between social movements in Taiwan and the Taiwan Hakka Movement. This study found the cause of the Hakka Movement in Taiwan emerged from the increased awareness of the disadvantaged or minority cultural identity, stimulating the individual’s sense of Hakkanese identity, and opposition against the persecution of the language policy. Overall, because of the language of inequality and the peripheral status of the Hakka ethnic groups, they harbored much resentment toward the Taiwanese government since the 1980’s due to major changes in the political, economic and social systems. Pre-1980’s, the political situation was restrictive under martial law. After the restoration of civil law, political liberty allowed the rise of grassroots organizations such as the “Hakka Affairs Monthly” promoting the Hakkanese identity. Such organizations issued a challenge to government authority as they fought for the right of education in their mother tongue, the right of communication through the Hakka movement, and the identity of Hakka people and their interests. On the development of Hakka movement in Taiwan, this study examined three stages, namely the origin period (1987-1989), the build-up period (1990-1999), and the institutionalization period (2000 - present). The origin period mainly focuses on the founding of the "Hakka Affairs Monthly” in 1987 and the 1988 "Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign.” After the 1989 recession, the Hakkanese people gathered momentum and the establishment of the “Hakka Affairs Monthly” catalyzed the reorganization of the Hakkanese advocates. In 1990, the Hakka Movement established “Taiwan Hapa” causing another wave of enthusiasm in the Movement. Another wave occurred from 1994 to 1995 with the illegal establishment of the “Formosa Hakka Radio Station”. The government responded by shutting down the radio’s operation causing an upsurge in Hakkanese opposition towards the government. After 2000, the Taiwanese government made efforts to institutionalize the Hakka ethnic groups by creating “Hakka Affairs Council”, the “Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission”, the “Hakka TV”, the Hakka knowledge system, and the development of “Hakka Basic Law”. In addition, future development for institutionalizing the Hakka Movement in Taiwan should include the following: (1) the simultaneous development and implementation of the Taiwan Hakka movement, Hakka policies and Hakka research; (2) the efforts in Hakka research should direct Hakka Studies towards Hakkaology; (3) the promotion of Hakkanese identity and cultural heritage should examine how to increase its market value while maintaining the culture’s integrity; (4) the Hakka ethnic groups need to close the generation gaps and compromise on Hakka identity and “imagination”; (5) the Hakka Movement needs to supervise the ”Hakka Affairs Council” as the Movement is currently declining in enthusiasm and participation; (6) to continue to improve the “Hakka Affairs Council” even though, in the past, it has effectively met the general demands of the Hakka Movement; (7) to consider establishing autonomous Hakka regions in order to preserve the Hakka language and culture; (8) to assist ethnic groups with the paradoxical relationship of future ethnic relations of treating each other with respect while competing for resources; (9) and the Taiwan Hakka Movement should consider moving towards a “Hakka Renaissance” or cultural self-awareness campaigns....

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