首页>学位论文>  信息传播:文化变迁的动力——对赣南两个围屋的民族志调查


作者:曾佳 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:30

【外文题名】Informational Communication: The Dynamics of Culture Changes

【作者】 曾佳

【关键词】 信息传播 文化变迁 客家文化 赣南围屋 民族志

【外文关键词】 Information communication Culture change Ethnography Clay building culture Hakka in GanNan







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【摘要】以往完全不同的文化观念和生活方式,在这信息传递十分迅速的时代,通过各种媒介的传递,对以往处于相对独立、封闭的地理单元的传统客家围屋文化产生极大的冲击,致使很多文化特征都在简化、变异,甚至消失。在现代信息传播冲击下维护与发展这一独特族群文化对于保持文化多样性的意义十分重大。 本论文通过对赣南两个客家围屋所在村落个案的研究,试图对当地居民的生活状况、信息传播现状与文化变迁现象进行民族志的重建。借用人类学、社会学惯用的民族志的质化研究方法,从传播学的角度切入,考察特定族群文化在现代信息环境下发生重大衍变的问题,在现象的描述中总结规律,揭示信息传播在文化变迁中的角色以及发挥作用的途径,以期为研究特定族群的文化或者说是亚文化在新时代信息传播背景下的走向和发展进行思考和提供某些建议,为文化传播的总体研究提供一个鲜活的个案。 论文从赣南客家族群传统文化入手,论述客家人通过聚族而居的围屋建筑,运用传说、象征、仪式等各种传统传播方式构建了一个等级分明、相互依赖又极具特色的族群文化系统,在信息的交流与互动中传承与发展。再将两个围屋所在地目前所处的现代媒介环境勾勒出来,着重描述在此背景下,围屋文化几个重要特征出现的变迁现象。同时论述在与外来异质文化的交流激荡中,传统文化的张力作用使得当地居民充分利用各种方式和信息资源为己服务,维持族群认同和文化传承。 本文认为:一种新的文化的形成并不是单一的因素所可以决定得了的,各种信息传播方式下的文化碰撞必然会形成一种新的文化格局。其中,大众媒体发挥着越来越重要的作用。通过电视等大众传媒塑造和散播的大众文化、城市文化和消费文化影响着当地人的具体行为、自我认知以及社会关系。正是靠着大众媒体的演示与鼓励,客家围屋传统文化正在发生着变迁和重构。但文化主体并不是被动的接受着这一切,其本身具有的能动性和选择性借助于传统传播方式以达到文化适应与族群认同的目的。政治机构的信息指导、人际间的交流、大众传播的灌输,这三种力量各有所长,互相补充,它们所构成的立体信息传播图景是客家传统文化变迁的重要动力。...

【外文摘要】Culture, the fruit of human endeavor, is always developing and changing. Many factors contribute to the evolution and interaction of different cultures, and the influence of information communication on culture can’t be ignored. Hakka Culture, one of the important ethical cultures in China, is also developing in the impact of communication. Nowadays, advanced technology, new ways of living and different cultural ideology from the past give traditional Hakka Culture a great strike via different media. As a result, many original characters of it are changing and even fading away. It is of great importance to cherish and maintain this unique culture, for this has something to do with keeping the versatility of culture in modern times. This paper describes the changes of Hakka Clay-building Culture through the case study of two villages there. By employing qualitative methods often used by researchers in the field of methodology and sociology, the author probes the change of specific ethnic culture in the context of information age. The paper touches upon the role of information communication in cultural evolution, trying to find a general rule through phenomenal description and deeper analysis. This paper shows that the formation of a new culture must be under the effect of many factors. Government control, personal communication and mass communication all play an important role in it. And the function of mass communication is growing greater and greater, which is also a very important reason for the change of Hakka Clay-building Culture. The paper also makes research on the active effect of mass communication in the development, protection and external communication of Hakka Clay-building Culture....

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