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作者:何志男 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】A Comparative Study on SiXian Hakka Tonal Pitches in LuiDui Regions

【作者】 何志男

【关键词】 阳平变调 客语 声调 六堆 四县腔

【外文关键词】 Hakka tone LiuDui or Six Piles SiXian Hakka yang ping sandhi







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【摘要】的關係長久以來,在客家語音相關文獻中,美濃地區的陰平,因著調值的差異與其它講四縣腔的地區分別開來。本文透過各個面向,各種層次的觀點,盡力闡明陰平所具體呈現的兩種調值之關聯性。結論是:調尾揚升的〔324〕,是調尾平直的〔322〕,為了能與陽平順暢連結而改變調尾型態的「非調位性變體」。也因為〔324〕調尾揚升的特徵,較具有標性,被某些地區的一部分人當做陰平「單字」或「後字」的調值,致文獻多記〔324〕(〔24〕)為陰平之代表調值。經本文闡明彼此的關係,〔322〕為陰平「基本調」而〔324〕為其「變體」的態勢昭然若楬矣。二、發現陽平變調的真實狀況六堆四縣腔陽平變調的情況,之前僅少數論者提及,有可能因其歸納之規則太過籠統或其他主觀因素,一般論者多迴避提及。筆者卻受其導引,抱著一探究竟的心情,特別用心的觀察了陽平於連讀時的調值變化,果真發現了陽平豐富的連讀變調規則。陽平變調的發現,加上前項所示,陰平兩種調值〔322〕、〔324〕之間的關係釐清後,可以說解決了絕大部分之前研究者,對於陰、陽平的種種疑點與困惑。比方說:因錯認「陰平後接陰平、去聲、陽入變調為陽平」而衍生出來的許多陰、陽平混淆的問題,如陰平調值趨向陽平?平聲分陰陽的部分回頭?升調的平調化……等等。本文的研究結果,正提示了尋求答案的明確線索。三、各調類調值:(一)單字:(1)陰平:A.〔322〕:主要盛行於美濃、高樹、長治。B.〔324〕:主要盛行於內埔、麟洛、竹田。C.〔322〕與〔324〕混讀:萬巒、新埤。D.〔32〕:此調值較為短促且有下降的感覺,為佳冬所特有。其餘調類之單字調值為六堆全區所共通共有,分別是:(2)陽平〔31〕(3)上聲〔42〕(4)去聲〔55〕(5)陰入〔43〕(6)陽入〔55〕(二)連讀:(1)陰平A.〔324〕∕___〔31〕陰平後接陽平時,穩定的讀調尾揚升的〔324〕,六堆全區無一例外。同時這裡也是陰平調值全然讀做〔324〕的唯一時機。B.〔322〕∕___{〔322〕或〔324〕或〔32〕;〔55〕;〔55〕}陰平後接陰平、去聲或陽入時,穩定的讀調尾平直的〔322〕,六堆全區也無一例外。C.{〔322〕;〔324〕;〔32〕}∕ T ___(T=任何調類)陰平位於後字時,可能出現〔322〕;〔324〕;〔32〕三種調值,運用的時機和比例,隨地區或個人而異。以盛行率而論,大致狀況為:I. 〔322〕美濃、高樹、長治。II. 〔324〕麟洛、內埔、竹田。III. 〔322〕與〔324〕混讀:萬巒、新埤。IV. 〔32〕 佳冬。D. {〔322〕;〔323〕}∕___{〔42〕;〔43〕}陰平後接上聲或陰入時,可能出現〔322〕、〔323〕兩種調值。此處的陰平調值是自由而不穩定的。同時其連讀的聲調變化條件及表現型式與「陰平後接陽平」也是有區別的。一般來說,除美濃、佳冬為〔322〕外,其他地區讀〔323〕。(2)陽平A.〔31〕>〔322〕∕___{〔322〕或〔324〕或〔32〕}陽平後接陰平時變調為陰平〔322〕,也是所有變調中唯一的「調位性變調」。B.〔31〕>〔32〕∕___〔42;43〕陽平後接上聲及陰入時,調值提高約1度,調型基本上還是維持下降的徵性,只是自身音程縮小,致下降幅度較不顯著。C.〔31〕>〔31↑〕∕___〔55;55〕陽平後接去聲及陽入時,變調情況與上條規則類似,只是調值僅提高半度多,與單字調的音高及調型差異較不明顯。...

【外文摘要】Among the LiuDui ( or literally, Six-Piles) regions in southern Taiwan, where SiXian Hakka is the mother tongue, Meinong has long been recognized as unique in that the yin-ping tone pitch in Meinong region is different from that in the rest of the LiuDui regions. This study was set out to clarify the relationship between the two yin-ping tone pitches, namely even-pitched[322] and upward-pitched [324]. It is concluded that the upward pitch of a yin-ping , [324], is simply the tonal modification of the even-pitch in [322], made as to facilitate smooth transition to a following yang-ping . Some earlier literatures mistake the upward-pitched [324] tone as the fundamental tone-pitch of a yin-ping , simply because an upward-pitch is more prominent than an even-pitch in terms of markedness. By elucidating the tonal pitch relationship, this study established that the even-pitched [322] should be the fundamental yin-ping tone pitch, while the upward-pitched [324] be its variation or sandhi.This study also discovered a myriad of rules governing pitch alternation of yang-ping in continuous intonation or continuous reading (yang-ping sandhi). This, together with the clarification of relationship between yin-ping tonal pitches, could well provide solutions to many questions regarding yin-ping and yang-ping that have long been puzzling and confusing for earlier researchers. For example, by mistaking as a rule that a yin-ping , when followed by another yin-ping , qu-sheng (downward tone) or yang-ru , is to be altered to be a yang-ping , earlier researchers have raised quite a few confusing questions/viewpoints, such as is yin-ping tone pitch in Hakka gradually merging into yang-ping ? , are the yin-ping and yang-ping tone pitches converging to a simple ping as in ancient times? , and are rising or upward tones in Hakka trending to be flat/even ones? . The author believes conclusions of this study could well provide clear clues to these questions....

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