首页>学位论文>  客语塞音浊音起始时间之多面向声学分析


作者:黄郁晴 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】A Multi-Dimension Acoustic Analysis of Voice Onset Time in Hakka Oral stops

【作者】 黄郁晴

【关键词】 客家话 四县 声学 塞音 浊音起始时间 VOT

【外文关键词】 Hakka VOT acoustic stops voice onset time







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【摘要】青三代)擔任本研究的發音人,研究字表則包括由客語六個塞音([ p、t、k、p’、t’、k’]),後接三個頂點元音([ i、a、u ]),並搭配舒/入聲調(去聲、陽入)所形成的36個單音節字。錄音時,發音人以固定速率與適當強度自然的唸出字表內的各個單字,每個字連續唸5次,最後將每個字的語音樣本截頭去尾取只中間3次進行VOT測量。研究結果顯示,發音部位、元音、聲調、年齡和性別等因素皆會對塞音VOT造成影響。整體而言,除了性別與年齡因素對VOT的影響較無規律外,VOT在不同發音部位、不同後接元音,及不同聲調的影響下都有一致的變化,而且差異均達顯著水準。具體說明如下:就塞音的發音部位而言,VOT呈現舌根音 > 齒齦音 >雙唇音,且送氣塞音 > 不送氣塞音的順序。在後接元音方面,VOT的變化趨勢為 [ i ] > [ u ] > [ a ]。聲調部份,VOT在舒聲調(去聲)裡大於相應的入聲調(陽入)。此外,在較難歸納出普遍趨勢的年齡因素方面,各年齡層的VOT大致呈現青 > 中 > 老的順序,但僅老生代與青、中生代之間的VOT有顯著差異,而中、青生代間的差異並不顯著。性別方面,雖然送氣與不送氣塞音的VOT在性別差異上均未達顯著水準,但就平均值來看,女性送氣塞音的VOT大於男性,而女性不送氣塞音的VOT卻小於男性,這種性別差異現象與許多社會語言學的發現類似。最後,本研究考察元音與聲調互動對塞音VOT的影響後發現,元音對VOT的影響皆較聲調來得大,僅雙唇送氣音 [ p’] 是例外,其原因有待後續研究。...

【外文摘要】This acoustic research examined the influence of five factors place of articulation, vowel context, lexical tones, age and gender upon the voice onset time (VOT) of stops in Si-xian Hakka. 18 male and 18 female speakers of Hakka, inclusive of the old (over 56 years old), the middle-aged (31~55 years of age) and the young (15~30 years of age), participated in the recording. The test stimuli consisted of 36 monosyllabic words. These syllables were omprised of word-initial stops [p, t, k, p , t , k ] followed by three corner vowels [i, a, u] in both unchecked tone (Qu) and checked tone (Yang-Ru). The list ofwords was read five times in a row at a comfortable speed. The three tokens in the middles were extracted for VOT measurement.The findings revealed that place of articulation, vowel context, lexical tones, age and gender all had an effect on the length of VOT, but the extent to which each factor exerted impact on VOT values differed. Overall, the VOTs varied by the place of production with longest VOTs for velar place, intermediate for alveolar place and shortest for bilabial place. As far as the vowel context was concerned, the greatest VOT values were observed within the context of the vowel [i], followed by [u], with the shortest VOT duration in the setting of [a]. As for lexical tones, unchecked tone had significantly longer VOT durations than its corresponding checked tone. As for age effect, the ordinal relationship among the three age groups was the young > the middle-aged > the old, but only the young and the middle-aged produced significantly longer VOT lag than the old. As for gender, no significant differences ccurred between the VOTs of the men and women. In terms of the mean VOT, however, female produced longer mean VOTs for aspirated stops than male counterparts whereas male produced longer mean VOTs for unaspirated stops than their female counterparts. Such gender differences in the VOT values were similar to the findings of many sociolinguistic research. Finally, the study probed theinteractive impact on VOT between vowels and tones. Results indicated that vowels cast greater effects on VOT than tones, with the exception of aspirated bilabial [p ]. Further studies are required to investigate its cause....

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