首页>学位论文>  通霄地区的客家族群在语言使用上的隐形行为初探


作者:冉明珠 日期:2009.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】An Exploration reseach of Hakka s Invisible Behavior in Language Use A Case Study of Tongsiao, Miaoli, Taiwan

【作者】 冉明珠

【关键词】 客家族群 隐形行为 谈话适应理论

【外文关键词】 invisible behavior Speech Accommodation Theory Hakka







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【外文摘要】The study focused on exploring the invisible behavior and the psychological aspects behind it. With two qualitative methds participant observation and in-depth interview . The informants consisted of Hakka in Tongsiao area, of which are able to speak more than two languages Hakka included.The results showed that, of the invisible behavior in language use for the informants, there are normally two features included such as I don t speak Hakka unless someone else speaks first and I rather not speak Hakka if there are other ethnic groups preset at scene . The psychological aspects are comprised of imagining that there exists of inferior interactive spheres among Hakka.For continuing development of enthnolinguistic vitality, we should take this situation more seriously and come out with some workable resolutions....

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