首页>学位论文>  移民、市场与社会:清代以来小江地域文化的演变


作者:朱晴晴 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:18

【作者】 朱晴晴

【关键词】 移民 市场 身份 村落关系 地域文化







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【摘要】且作为一个小款同九寨一起以承担夫役的形式进入到国家赋税体系中。木材采运活动的进行促使流域内外的物产流动起来,同样加速了乡村社会特色形式的小商贩的产生。移民正是在此背景下进入小江地区,并同当地已有的居民即“坐家”共同建构了一个乡村集市。市场的渐次成型过程也是移民村落建立的过程。小江地区的移民群体成为该集市数量最大的卖家,而且这一集市同区域社会中的木材贸易、村落搬迁、以及其它重要的两个具有不同功能的集市紧密相连,不自觉构成区域社会的商贸体系。 移民的到来为小江社会增添了诸多新元素,不仅包括乡村集市与移民村落的建立,也包括区域社会公共生活的改变。移民群体成为其他“坐家”重要的通婚对象,“客家”与“客话”都开始慢慢影响这个曾经自成一体的小款组织。或许正是由于特殊的时间与空间,这些移民在入住的同时仍然得以保留原本的姓氏而不需再改姓。小江社会的移民因着迁徙时间和祖籍等原因,明显形成两大帮派——“江西帮”与“湖南帮”,并建立不同的会馆组织。在此背景小江社会在已有“坐家”的基础上,又增加新的社会成员,改变其内部社会构成。这一过程亦伴随着村落关系和空间结构的演变。不仅如此,凭借商业资本和手艺等资源,移民群体在建立市场的同时,也通过物的流动将区域社会联结起来。商贸活动在蓬勃开展,同时移民与坐家的社会组织也在悄然进行,促使社会内部构成进一步发生变化。移民与坐家的存在,促使小江社会在面临资源的调控时,亦灵活运用公私两套系统,但更多是运用乡村社会的规范。 通过上述历史过程的梳理与分析,小江区域社会的特点愈发凸显。物的流动、集市的联系、社会组织与群体的影响,促使小江地域社会内部进行了分层与整合。移民与坐家之间的频繁复杂的互动过程,更加使得小江与周边的高坡村寨产生越来越明显的不同之处,“制造”出一种特殊的地域文化。在这一过程中,移民的身份也慢慢发生变化。由汉变侗,不仅受到政策的影响,而且更加是移民与坐家长期的经济交往与文化互动过程影响的结果。由此,移民身份的转换以及地域文化的演变都成为可能。...

【外文摘要】By analyzing the Qing Dynasty's business immigration of Southeast Guizhou, this dissertation tries to analyze the process of establishing rural market and the community as a region of Xiaojiang river . This thesis not only explores the community’s internal relations and the changing process of social structure, but also studies the local culture which created together by the Immigration and the local people. Since the Qing Dynasty, with the development of Qingshui river and the prosperity of timber trade, the Xiaojiang area participated this process and was involved in tax system of empery. On the one hand, as a result of the timber trade, the local moved to riverside from the hill, on the other hand, the trade attracted more and more immigration to stay. All of this brought a great change to the social composition, including the village relations and the space structure. On balance, the commercial activities promoted further change within the Xiaojiang community’s internal construction. Combing through the historical process what mentioned above. The xiaojiang area was stratified and integrated as results of material flow, market contact and groups organization. At the same time, the Xiaojiang community evolved into a flexible systems which free transformed between the public and the private. Accordingly, there are great chance that immigration’s identity and local cultural were impacted gradually....

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