首页>学位论文>  客赣方言词汇比较研究:以六个点为中心


作者:黄小平 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:18

【作者】 黄小平

【关键词】 客赣方言 词汇比较 语素分析 判别函数 阶曲线

【外文关键词】 Hakka and Gan dialect Lexical comparison Morpheme analysis Discriminant function Factorial curve







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【摘要】触密切。梅县和南昌距离遥远,且在不同省份,接触少。 无论是200核心词还是2000一般词,于都和南昌、田头和南昌的关系值都比于都和梅县、田头和梅县的关系值小,于都、田头是名副其实的客家话。 肖田和南昌的关系值都比肖田和梅县关系值大,无论是200核心词还是2000一般词,但它和南昌的关系到底是发生学关系还是接触关系呢?我们运用了陈保亚的“阶曲线理论”,根据肖田和梅县、肖田和南昌的阶曲线斜率,以及肖田和田头、肖田和于都的亲密关系,发现肖田和南昌是接触关系,肖田与梅县等客家话是发生学关系。但肖田和南昌已有很深的接触。 我们还运用SPSS16.0,通过客赣特征词、客赣共有词建立判别函数,判断出肖田属于客家方言。这种主要运用客赣特征词来判别肖田属性的做法,和陈保亚的“关系词”做法很相近,并且客赣特征词比“关系词”还更典型,因此这样得出的判别结果具有发生学关系的意义。 文章还对客赣与传统五大方言关系进行了比较,特别是客粤的比较,发现客粤关系值高于客赣关系值,因此,我们认为客家南迁后,由于地理隔离,最终客赣关系让位于客粤关系。 6点中还存在一些百越底层词,反映出客家南迁后,在山区与百越族有过密切的接触。...

【外文摘要】This paper analyzed 200 core words and other 2000 words of six representative sites of Hakka and Gan dialect with morpheme analytic method,and elaborated the relations of Hakka and Gan dialect.through computation,we discovered that the relations between Tiantou,Xiaotian,Yudu are cloest, they are similar, and what most estranged is the relation of Meixian and Nanchang. Tiantou,Xiaotian,Yudu is neighboring to each other and contact frequently. Meixian and Nanchang are away from remotely, and in different province, they contact seldomly. Regardless of 200 words or 2000 words, the relative value of Yudu and Nanchang, Tiantou and Nanchang are smaller than Yudu and Meixian, Tiantou and Meixian. Yudu and Tiantou belong to Hakka without doubting.Xiaotian and Nanchang's relative value is bigger than Xiaotian and Meixian's, regardless of 200 words or 2000 words, but what on earth they are affinal or contacting between Nanchang and Xiaotian? We utilized Chen Baoya's “the factorial curve theory”,according to the slope of factorial curve of Xiaotian and Meixian, Xiaotian and Nanchang and the close relation between Xiaotian,Tiantou,Yudu,we discovered that Xiaotian and Nanchang's relation is contacting, Xiaotian and Meixian's relation is affinal.But Xiaotian and Nanchang had contacted deeply. We also establish disciminant function by SPSS16.0,which based on the Hakka character-word and Gan dialect character-word.We found that Xiaotian belongs to Hakka. This method is very alike to Chen Baoya's “Factorial curve theory” which based on “the relational word”.furtherly,the Hakka character-word and Gan dialect character-word are also more typical. Therefore the disciminant result has affinal significance. The peper also compare Hakka and Gan dialect to five dialects, especially to Cantonese, we discover that the relative value of Hakka and Cantonese is higher than Hakka and Gan dalect, therefore, we believed that after moving to the south, as a result of the geographical seperation, the relation of Hakka and Cantonese finally get more close than the relation of Hakka and Gan dalect. At last,we found that there are some BaiYue ethnic groups' substratum words in six sites. Which reflect the closely contacting between Hakka and BaiYue ethnic groups after Hakka moving to the south....

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