首页>学位论文>  “千里客家长廊”区域旅游合作研究


作者:郭武飘 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】The Research on transregional Cooperation of Hakka cultural landscape tourism

【作者】 郭武飘

【关键词】 客家文化 旅游合作 千里客家长廊







【全文挂接】 万方挂接 读秀挂接

【摘要】广深珠、京津冀和长三角等地旅游合作的成功实践和经验,按照全面紧密型的合作模式打造千里客家长廊。本文还重点探讨了千里客家长廊区域旅游合作的营销策略。在整合闽粤赣丰富的客家旅游文化资源的基础上,为开展千里客家长廊区域旅游合作项目,从实质上推动三省区域旅游合作向纵深发展,提出了有建设性的措施与具体思路,力求让广大游客在旅游历程中,了解客家迁徙历史,感受客家文化精神,探寻客家文化脉络。 打造千里客家长廊,对推动我省建设旅游强省与文化大省,对于增强中华民族的凝聚力,对于推动我国当代主流价值理念的构建和民族团结具有重要的政治意义与现实意义,对今后进一步提升区域旅游合作层次与水平具有一定的参考价值。...

【外文摘要】Tourism competition is a process. After destinations competition, tourism lines competition and cities competition, tourism competition steps into the fourth stage: region tourism competition age. Strengthening region tourism cooperation and constructing characteristic tourism destinations would be an important development strategy and effective approach of Chinese tourism to participate in international tourism competition. The paper analysis the situations of Thousand Miles Hakka Tourism Corridor and evaluated the conditions of all important Hakka cities to take part in tourism cooperation from four aspects: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. By study, this paper refers to the successful experiences of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai tourism cooperation and Guangdong Hongkong and Macao tourism cooperation. It is considered that Thousand miles Hakka Tourism Corridor should be constructed according to all-round compactness tourism cooperation model. As an important study area, the paper discussed region tourism cooperation marketing specially. In a word, the paper advanced the construction measures and development ideas of the cooperation project on conforming regional tourism resources and promoting tourism cooperation of Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi development to depth. By doing so, tourists can learn Hakka migration history , feel Hakka spirit and seek Hakka culture vein during their travel. Constructing Thousand Miles Hakka Tourism Corridor has a singnificant political and practical meaning on promoting Guangdong building cultural grant province, coagulating strength of Hakka overseas Chinese and impelling national solidarity. The study also has some reference value on upgrading the regional tourism cooperation class and level in the later....

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