首页>学位论文>  新都客家话与梅县客家话及成都官话词汇比较研究


作者: 日期:2007.01.01 点击数:54


【关键词】 hakka dialect Sichuan dialect phonological system Lexicon Comparison Mei County XinDu ChengDu

【外文关键词】 hakka dialect Sichuan dialect phonological system Lexicon Comparison Mei County XinDu ChengDu







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【摘要】兴镇为代表的新都客家话的语音系统。 本文选取了梅县客家话、新都客家话、成都官话和新都官话的1275条词语进行了对比研究,结合了人文历史、经济状况、地理环境等方面的因素、采用田野调查、统计、分析、比较和考证的方法加以分析。理清了新都客家话和梅县客家话具有很大的一致性的关系,即新都客家话保留了很多客家话的特征词,但某些特征词正在慢慢消失,某些客家话词语随着风俗的消失而消失;同时我们也发现新都客家话受到了强势方言——成都官话、新都官话的影响,即新都客家话借入了一批相当数量的官话词语。本文揭示了新都客家话词汇发展的历史层次,并展望了新都客家话的发展趋势。 全文主要分为四个部分: 1、新都及新都方言概况 2、新都客家话音系 3、新都客家话与梅县客家话、成都官话以及新都官话的词汇比较研究 4、新都客家话词汇演变的情况...

【外文摘要】XinDu,located in the north of ChengDu city ,was a famous city of ancient Shu kingdom.Hakka dialect is comprehensively used in ShiBanTan SanHe MuLan and TaiXing,four towns of XinDu. These towns,in the north of ChengDu DongShan hakka dialect island,are the conjoint area between the Hakkas and Sichuan dialect.We make a detailed record based on field investigations and use research methods of comparative linguistics and history linguistics to analyze the XinDu hakka dialect,summing up the hakka phonological system represented by TaiXin town hakka.This essay choose nearly 1,300 words from Mei County hakka,XinDu hakka,ChengDu dialect and XinDu dialect to compare,combining the factors of humanity history,economic situation,geography environment ,using field survey stastics and morphological comparison. We find out that XinDu hakka dialect has many things in common with Mei County hakka dialect , that is to say XinDu Hakka dialect keeps many characteristic words of the hakka,but some characteristic words is disappearing. Meanwhile ,we also find out that XinDu Hakka dialect is strongly affected by ChengDu dialect and XinDu dialect.More and more mandarin words have been used by XinDu hakkas.This eassay tries to disclose the developing disciplinarian and its expectation of XinDu Hakka dialect in the future....

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