首页>学位论文>  一位新加坡华族移民客家阿婆的生命故事


作者:蔡津美 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:39

【外文题名】A Life Story of Hakka “AhPo” in Singapore .

【作者】 蔡津美

【关键词】 新加坡移民 客家阿婆 生命故事

【外文关键词】 Singapore Immigrant Hakka “AhPo” Life Story







【全文挂接】 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】In this research, narrative qualitative research was used along with ten interview sessions with the Hakka “AhPo” in hopes of understanding her life journey as an early immigrant in Singapore. The in-depth interviews look into her thirty-five years of striving life spent in Pulau Tekong and the various hardship the immigrants faced in early Singapore. Most importantly are the value and meaning of life the Hakka “AhPo” has found, and the sources of support she has received along her life....

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