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龙潭椪风茶文化研究 ─ 在地知识的传承

作者:江裕春 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:99

【外文题名】A Study of Inheriting Local Knowledge on Long-tan Pong-feng Tea Culture

【作者】 江裕春

【关键词】 龙潭 椪风茶 茶小绿叶蝉 在地知识

【外文关键词】 Long tan Pong feng tea green leaf hopper local knowledge







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【外文摘要】Long-tan Township has since late 1990s spared no effort to develop tea industry and successfully created the full-fledged signature of the “Home of Pong-feng Tea”. Generally speaking, the Pong-feng tea is one of Oolong tea varieties and specifically, the so-called Chin-shin ta-pang variety is widely applied to the Hakka-dominant Long-tan. Regarding the tea quality, Pong-feng tea is most recognized by its honey-inherent flavor, believed to be produced from the bug-like green leaf hopper’s bites. The proliferation of the green leaf hopper is not only indebted to topographical conditions in Long-tan, but also to tea farmers’ avoiding using chemical pesticides, both of which have in fact led to a realm of sustainable agriculture. The study is thus aimed to examine geographical and Hakka cultural elements resulting in molding the Pong-feng tea culture, by undertaking an in-depth participant observation on Pong-feng tea making to completely record tea farmers’ ordinary practices. Findings of the study include agricultural policies and geographical environment contribute as external factors to the development of Pong-feng tea culture in Long-tan, while the symbiosis between tea farmers and farmland, local knowledge, producing technologies and local government-promoted tea festival are internal factors....

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