首页>学位论文>  民众对政府道德规范态度之影响因素-台湾案例


作者:陈柏均 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:6

【外文题名】Attitudes toward the ethical norms for government officials in Taiwan

【作者】 陈柏均

【关键词】 政治伦理 贪腐 官僚 道德政府

【外文关键词】 bureaucracy corruption ethical norms government







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【摘要】機率模型(Ordered Probit Model),雖然沒有確切的指標可以用來衡量儒家文化,但是宗教信仰中的道教、佛教或民間信仰其文化背景有些概念與儒家思維的政治倫理相符,因此我們可以藉由這些變數來作分析。 研究結果發現(表4.4)其年齡、已婚或同居者、宗教信仰為佛教、道教及天主教者、教育程度為高中者、宗教活動參與一年好幾次者、政黨為泛藍支持者對政府的道德行為規範呈顯著正向的影響。父親籍貫為閩南籍、客家籍或原住民籍、教育程度為研究所(含博士)者呈顯著負向的影響。然而,我們觀察「政府的責任」、「政府的品德」及「政府的榜樣」之估計結果,發現不管宗教信仰把道教和民間信仰分開或合併來看,其均對「政府的榜樣」呈顯著正向的影響,可知大部分民眾認同政府官員最重要的職責就是做人民道德上的榜樣。而「政府的品德」即只要我們有品德高尚的領導者任何事情都可以託付給他,在宗教信仰變數方面普遍未呈顯著影響,可見民眾將事情託付給領導者時,品德高尚雖是重要的因素但並不是唯一的條件。...

【外文摘要】Bureaucracy and corruption usually lead to the inefficiency of government and the distrust of the democratic system in governing the society. The ethical norms used to justify the legitimacy of government have been an important political agenda for many democratic societies. In previous literature, there are very few studies examining why people obey their government and what are the moral capacities that political leaders would need to possess. This study investigates people’s attitudes toward the ethical norms for government officials in a developing democratic country – Taiwan which is strongly influenced by the traditional values of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and folk religions. Using data from 2006 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), this study analyzes the relationship between these traditional values and people’s attitudes toward the ethical norms for government officials. The findings from this study indicate that there are strong positive links between the Eastern religions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Folk religions and the attitudes toward the ethical norms used to justify the legitimacy of political powers granted for government officials....

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