首页>学位论文>  未曾忘却的记忆—赣南全南县南迳镇“车马灯”民俗活动研究


作者:何珊 日期:2008.01.01 点击数:12

【外文题名】Never Forget in Memory-Research on the Chemadeng Which is a Kind of Folk Activities in Nanjing Town of Quannan Country in Gannan Area

【作者】 何珊

【关键词】 “车马灯”民俗活动 音乐形态研究 功能性分析

【外文关键词】 Chemadeng folk activities Musical morphology research Functional Analysis







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【外文摘要】Also known as Huagu, Chemadeng which is a kind of folk activities in Nanjing Town of Quannan country in Gannan area. It in Performances of the presentation, disseminated features of melody, functional means of succession so that their showing a small but complete form.In the introduction of this paper, simply explaining the topic, the Chemadeng in Gannan area, and showing its research purpose, research meaning, the new ideas and the methods of research.Chapter 1: history, geography and faith stu......

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